Steve Rogers : Waiting pt. 4

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EmilyRenee432 gave me the idea for this next part so go her! Thank you! Hope you like it

I've been out of that container a month now. It's been a full month since Steve woke me up. Been a month since I was finally able to tell the man I loved just that very thing.

But I still had one more secret to tell.

For a month now I've refused any and all tests Steve wanted me to have. Turned down both Stark and Banners offers to make sure I came safely out of the container.
I could allow for them to find out. Not until I was sure I was ready to accept it.

Before Steve had died, we had spent the most magical night of my life together. What happened was an accident but it was one I would gladly repeat over and over again.
Because of that night I had ended up pregnant.

But for me. A baby without Steve wasn't worth having. My life wasn't worth living without him. I ignored my pregnancy and instead focused on how I could see Steve again. So I was pregnant when I got injected with serum. Pregnant when I was out in that container. And I was possibly still pregnant now that's I've come out.

There was no one in this world I could talk to about this. All my friends had died before the war and I was still too fresh from the ice to make anymore.
But then that all changed the day Bucky got back.

Steve had failed to tell me, that Bucky had survived Hydra and was now living with him in New York. Only thing was Bucky was away on a mission when Steve got me back, hence why I hadn't seen him. Of course with Steve being Steve he had completely forgotten to tell Bucky about me too. So let's just say that made for a rather interesting Monday.

I was at Stark tower. It was just me. Everyone else had gone out to do god only knows what. Steve mentioned something about Thor?

Anyway I was in the kitchen in shorts and a tank top, (Natasha had arranged for me to have some clothes. Wanda had shown me what each one was when I got confused) when suddenly I heard the sound of a bag being dropped to the floor.

As silently as I could mange I picked up a knife from the counter and slowly made my way to the door. Back against the wall, I found the figure stalking down the corridor gun in hand. He had his back to me so I took no time in using this to my advantage.

Sprinting down the hall I leapt onto his back wrapping my legs around his armpits trapping his arms as my arms wrapped around his neck. He dropped his gun but his arms reached up and pulled me straight over his head. Landing on the ground I grunted as the air was knocked out of me before leaping back up to kick him square in the chest. He tumbled backwards where I sweeper kicked his legs out from underneath him and he crashed to the ground.
Grabbing his gun from the floor I towered over him daring him to make a move.

That's when his hair fell from over his face. That's when I dropped both the gun and collapsed to my knees.
"Bucky" I breathed my voice barley above a whisper.

"How do you know my name? Who are....." He began but then his breath got stuck too.

"Y/n?" He croaked out.
"Is that really you?"

I just nodded. My voice wasn't working anymore. My best friend was alive. Alive and sitting right in front of me.
He just pulled me into his arm where we cried for what felt like hours.

I couldn't help it. Seeing Bucky. Finally feeling like I had a friend I blurted out what I was most scared to admit.
"Bucky in pregnant and I haven't told Steve"

"Your what?!?" Both Steve and Bucky voices sounded.

I leapt from Buckys arms and behind me I saw the shocked face of Steve staring back at me. His blonde hair was stuck to his face like he had been sweating, his breathing was hard and laboured like he had been running.

"Steve. What are you doing here?" I nervously asked.

"I came back because I remembered Bucky was due back today. I didn't want to walk in with either one of you killing the other. But I was halfway here when Friday told me you were fighting so I knew I had to run home to break it up.
Your pregnant?"

"Congratulations guys! I'm just gunna go.
See you later Dollface" Bucky smiled at me before making his awkward exit.

Thanks Buck! Thanks for just leaving me here.

"Y/n?" Steve voice said again as he walked closer to me.
"Your pregnant and you couldn't even tell me?"

"I wanted to. I was just scared" I suddenly start crying.
"Back before all this happened, back when it was just you and me and we prayed the war would be over, that when I thought about a family with you Steve. Then we had that magical moment together and then you crashed into the ice. Finding out I was pregnant after all that happened just felt like the universes cruel way to torture me. No baby was worth having without you so I just convinced myself it wouldn't be important. Only getting to you again was important.
Now I'm not even sure the baby is alive"

Steve said nothing just dragged me down into Bruce's lab.
"Steve?" Banner asked. "Can I help you with anything?"

"Ultrasound her now....please" Steve stated as ever the gentleman.

Banner said nothing just got on with what he had been instructed. He moved so silently it was no wonder I forgot he was even about. It was just me and very angry Steve too.
"Steve talk to me. Please say something. Anything"

"What do you want me to say? I've just found out that I have a possible child. One that I could have had over 70 years ago. How am I supposed to react to that?
You could have gladly thrown away the life of our possible only child on the crazy risk that I survived the ice crash and you would survive the crazy risk of being put in a freezer for years. What am I supposed to say to that!"

"Your supposed to understand. If you were me what would you have done. Give birth to the baby of deadman who I hadn't even told that I loved him properly.
You may have been a decorated war hero so everyone would have loved you, but me! I'd just be the woman who gave birth to the bastard* child of Steve Rogers. Then to top it all off have the government want that child to see if you had passed on the super solider genes to. What kind of a life would that have been for our baby?"

"Um. Sorry to interrupt but I'll need you to lift up your top and stop shouting for me to do this" Bruce weakly smiled motioning for me to lay upon the table.

Refusing to even look at Steve anymore I followed Banners orders to the letter. Waited patiently while the monitor loaded up the image of what was or wasn't in my womb anymore. My heart stopped when the image loaded up and tears streamed from my face when the sound was played as well.

"Congratulations guys. You've got a girl on the way" Bruce stated trying to lighten the mood.

I didn't even see Steve leave. All I heard was the door slam loudly on the way out.

* Bastard = a person born of parents not married to one another

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