Steve and Bucky - 'A Rose Between Two Friends'

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Set thought the first two Captain America films, but not Civil war and didn't want to release any spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet.

When the war started I knew things would change. Right from the first day I knew it would never be the same. Never again would I be running down the streets of Brooklyn, the two people I loved more than life itself following behind me.

I remember first meeting Steve. Meeting him is what started off the biggest adventure of my life. It was back when he was plain ol' Steve, no super solider juice just Steve the way nature had made him. His mother knew mine, so naturally we become friends. With knowing Steve came the added bonus of knowing James, or Bucky as I came to call him.

Everyone said it was inevitable that we would fall in love. That I would eventually marry one of the two boys. I remember people used to make bets on who I would choice. I guess everyone won, because I could never choose between them.
I loved them both. For different reasons, but I loved them both equally.

I fell in love with Steve slowly. The more time I spent with him, the more my heart developed a space just for loving him. He was sweet, kind, a perfect gentleman and had a heart twice as big as anyone else on the planet. He never feared for his safety, only others. He would always help others and never let the fact he weaker, smaller and sicker than most stop him from standing up for what he believed in. When he kissed me, it was soft and sweet. He made me feel like the only girl in the world. He was perfect, I fell in love with him way before he was injected with the serum and I continued to love him long after.

Bucky however. Falling in love with Bucky was like falling asleep. I didn't even realise I was falling until I woke up one day totally under his spell. My love for Bucky could be confused with Lust, but I knew it was something more. We had a deep connection and more often than not playful flirting turned dangerous and escalated quickly. I will say I never slept with him though, It just wasn't how things were done back in the 30's.
Bucky was dangerous, but that's what I loved about him. The fact he made me feel safe and on edge all at the same time. The fact one minute we could be screaming at each other, the next we were wrapped in each other's arms. Bucky made me feel more alive than anyone else ever had. He challenged me and that's why I fell hopelessly in love with him.

So when Bucky enlisted into the war, it broke my heart. Then when Steve tried time and time again to follow in his steps, I thought my heart would crack in two. So I did what any sane girl would do; I joined the Women's Army Auxiliary Corp (the WAAC for short).
I remember the moment I told Steve and Bucky I would be enlisting, they both went crazy. Ranting on about how they couldn't let me go. Their best friend leaving and possibly never coming back. I remember spending a separate night with each of them. They both begged me to stay. But did I listen? Of course not. So one Tuesday night I kissed both their cheeks as I said goodbye. I boarded a train, small tears running down my cheeks as I watched their sad faces disappear into the ever growing distance.

I went unnoticed in the army until one day a woman named Peggy Carter approached me. With her, the great Dr. Erskine. They had a proposition for me. To become part of a secret scientific research department within the army. Erskine asked me if I would consent to being experimented on, a test subject to see if his formula would work efficiently on both females and males. He told me only I could do it, that my strong heart and good head were the perfect Initial qualities he was looking for.
He told me he could make stronger, Make me faster, make me smarter. Naturally there would be side effects but unfortunately he couldn't explain any more into that as he was unsure of what would happen.

I remember spending all but a minute to decide my answer. I remember thinking of Steve at home, how if this war wasn't won soon he would end up joining. I remember my heart aching in fear, the image of my poor sweet Steve dying a pointless death. Then Bucky flashed through my mind. I imagined him in his uniform, laying face down in a ditch somewhere. That twinkle in his eyes diminished for ever, his lips curled in pain instead of that trademark heart fluttering smirk.
I had never said Yes to anything so quickly in my life.

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