Stever Rogers - 'Waiting'

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"Peggy. Do me a favour please?" Steve asks over the radio. The HYDRA ship slowly plummeting to the ice below.

"Anything" Peggy eyes tearing up.

"Tell (Y/n) I'm going to have to rain check on our date" He pulls out his compass and positions (y/n) smiling photograph up at him.

"Fine. A week next Saturday. You better be there for her" Peggy says her tears falling freely.

"I'll try" He can't help but smile when he looks at your photo graph.
"One last thing; tell her I lov---"

The line goes dead and it is then Peggy knows he's gone. She shouts down the radio about him telling her, about not being late for their date. She knows it's pointless but she just doesn't want to be the one to tell you Steve's Dead.

That was months ago now. But the death of the person you loved most in this world still took it toll on you. You became obsessed with finding away to see Steve again. You became obsessed with replicating your Uncle Erskine Formula, because that way you could survive the only plan you had finally come up with.

"Howard please" You begged once again.

"No! No I'm not going to inject you with your attempt at the serum then cryo-freeze you so you can wait for Steve to be dug up from the bottom of the ocean" He stated slamming his hand down on the desk.

"Can't you see. Steve is dead! He's gone and he would want you to keep on living! Not put your life at risk in a plan that may not may not work" He continues, his voice softer than before.

"Howard's right you know (y/n)" Peggy states suddenly appearing.
"Steve wouldn't want you to do this."

"Why are you all talking about him like he's dead?!?" I shout tears falling.
"He's not dead! He's just somewhere waiting for us to find him again. What if he's not found for another 100 years? You expect him to just be there and continue with his life with no one he knew. With all his friends long buried. I don't think so!"

"(Y/n)! I was there! I heard his ship crash into the sea! One minute he was talking to me the next nothing! He's gone! And he's not coming back!" Peggy shouted her own tears falling now.

"That's just it! You were there! You were the last person to speak to him! I wasn't! His girlfriend didn't even speak to him in his apparent last moments!" I shouted

"So No, I don't believe he's dead. He can't be dead. He's still waiting for me to tell him I loved him, and I'm still waiting to hear it. So that why I know he's still alive. He still alive and waiting. Now it's my turn to wait for him"

"How will we know when to wake you?" Howard suddenly asks.

"What?! Howard you can't be serious about helping her?" Peggy panics

"We're obviously not going to change her mind. Besides what if she right? What if the captain is down there somewhere waiting for us to find him? What if we need to technology of the future to find him and he does wake up with everyone he knows dead? For all he's given us that not right" Howard walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"If you die, I'll personally kill you myself" He says before taking my vials from me.

"How do we know the serum will work?" Peggy asked as I strap myself down in the chamber ready to change my life.

"It will trust me. I'm Erskine niece, I know how to replicate his formulas" I smiled preparing myself for the injections that were sure to come.

Peggy still looked doubtful but she didn't try to stop us.
"I'll set up a file in SHIELD about you. It will be encoded and will only allowed to be opened once Steve has been found. You should be safe from any threats then"

"Thanks Peggy. Thanks Howard. I love you both so much and I can't express how grateful I am to you"

"Express it by not dying" Howard smiled

"Bye (y/n)" They both spoke.

I thought only of Steve as the pain from the serum erupted through my veins. I though only of Steve as Howard slowly began to turn the temperature down in the container. I thought only of Steve and how much I loved him as my whole world went cold.
Waiting. Waiting for the day I could finally be with him again.

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