Peter Parker - 'The Guy...'

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(Andrew Garfield Peter Parker)

Ever since Gwen died, Peter has kept his distance from others. He worried that the more people he is close to the more people will suffer because of him.

He doesn't want it to happen again. He doesn't want another persons face to haunt his dreams. He doesn't want to have more 'what if?' and 'If only'. He just wants one night where he can close his eyes and not dread what hellish nightmares his conscience will drag up for him to witness.

He's become a shell of the man he once was. His Aunt May thinks so and so does anyone who knew him. But no-one tries to help him. They just allow him to sink further into his mind, the despair and guilt relentlessly eating away at him until it was to late.

I however, I wouldn't let that happen. I refused to let him reach that point. I was determined to save him. Determined to save the light, I knew was in him, from being distinguished. No matter what Peter said I wouldn't give up.

"Hey Pete" I smile as he slumps down in his seat.

"Hey" He says, the corner of his mouth lifting into a small forced smile.

"Can I ask you something?" I say lightly poking his shoulder .

"Sure. Shoot. Fire away" He pulls out his books but doesn't look at me.

"Well i was wondering seeing how i'm falling behind in this class whether you wouldn't mind helping me study. Its just your so much better at this subject than me and i really don't want to fail all because of this one stupid topic.....I'm rambling sorry"

"It's fine. I'll help, it's the least i can do" He smiles softly at me.

"Yeah seeing as i'm forever covering for you when your late" I chuckle.

"How's 7 sound?"

"7 is perfect. Baring in mind i'm just down the road anyway" I smile at him.

"I'll see you at 7" He half heartedly smiled up at before the lesson started.


7:05 a knock on my door sounded. Opening it up I came face to face a bruised Peter.

"Pete! What happened to you?!?" I exclaimed instantly fussing over the bruise.

"It's nothing." He shrugged.
"You still want to study?"

"Yeah. But only if you put Ice on your face" I tell him dragging him in and down into my kitchen.

"Thanks" He mumbles as I rummaged through the freezer for a bag of frozen veggies.

I smile at him as I bring him the frozen bag over. Gently grabbing a cloth to wrap the bag in.
"Peter, what's wrong with you?" I ask as I gently hold the bag on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since Gwen died....well it seems you died too.....your not the same Pete"

"My girlfriend died (y/n) how am I supposed to react. Be all sunshine and rainbows" He glared jerking his head away from me.

"No of course not Pete. But don't shut everyone out. At least not me. We've been friends since we were kids. We're supposed to be close"

"I can't help it. I don't want anyone to end up like Gwen did. At least of all not you" He admitted and his tears began to flow.

Seeing my best friend cry, that was all it took. I exploded into tears as his head fell onto my shoulders. His tears began to soak my shirt as I let him finally let it all out.

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