Chapter Eight

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Ivan simply stared in horror as the cashier's expression grew more disbelieving and she piled up the burgers.

Alfred casually leaned on the counter as he helped her count them.

Ivan checked his phone, pretending that he had no idea who Alfred was.

He took the food on a plate heading up stairs to sit down smiling happily.

Ivan followed, still shaking his head in disbelief. "I must say, I'm impressed."

" You can have some if you want~ " he makes his way to the back

"I'll think about it." He said flatly, taking a seat next to Alfred.

Alfred licks his lips as he began to eat smiling into every bite.

Ivan simply watched with a poker face, unable to decide whether he was impressed or terrified.

Alfred had finished atleast 10 burgers within a minute already before taking a drink of his coke. He kept glancing at the Russian feeling bad as to how he's not having any food. The American simply handed the man a burger.

Ivan furrowed his brows but smiled, trying his hardest to look annoyed but failing. "... Thank you." He unwrapped the burger and took a bite.

He smiles and continued to eat his food , not long before moving onto the fries.

"Hmm... Not bad, but I can taste the early death hurtling my way." Ivan nodded in approval before going back to eating.

Alfred chuckled, poking Ivans cheek gently " You've never had a McDonald's before huh? "

Ivan blushed a little. "No. I want to live."

" You seem to keep eating it though ~ "

"Idiot. Only because you gave me one of these." Ivan chuckled and finished his burger. "We ought to go drinking sometime."

" Hm...never done that before. " he placed a fry in his mouth, leaning on his hand as he urged the Russian to play pocky with it.

Ivan wondered if Alfred wanted to play the pocky game. "Just us. Back at my place, plenty of alcohol, just to see how it goes."

He wiggled the Fry in his mouth as he continued to look him in the eyes, nodding.

Ivan took this as incentive to take the end of the fry between his teeth. He nibbled along it until he was millimetres from Alfred's lips.

Alfred smiles kissing his lips gently when they met, gradually picking up the Russians coke taking a sip.

"You bitch." Ivan laughed as he realised that he'd been robbed.

Alfred continued to chuckle as he handed it back to him. "I drank all mine "

"Unbelievable." Ivan drank the rest before Alfred could get his hands on it.

" Lets go back to your place then ~ " he sneaked in another kiss as he stood up.

"With pleasure." Ivan kissed back as he took Alfred's hand once more. "Please don't tell me we're gonna be one of those couples who're into PDA constantly."

Alfred laughs again " Please tell me it's gonna be sex and McDonald's " he joked , linking their fingers.

"... Meh. Sounds better than what I had in mind." Ivan shrugged as the two left the restaurant.

" What did you have in mind? " Alfred asked

"Doesn't matter. I forgot." He shook his head. "What should we do when we get back to my place?"

" What about your Mom? How long is she gonna be out for? " he questions, wondering if it's okay that the American is over there. Since Ivan and his mom seem to not get along

"She'll be home around eleven. About... Five hours from now." Ivan checked his phone for the time. "She always gets in late. Hey, I could literally just hide you in my room all night if you want."

He raises a brow " Are you sure?? " Alfred wanted to stay over but was concerned about his mom. He was smiling without realising, not having stayed over in an actual house before.

"Yeah. I'm sure." Ivan reassured him. "There's enough space in the closet for both of us if necessary. And yes, that was a joke."

He laughs gripping more at his hand " Alright " Alfred kept smiling

"We're hooome." Ivan sang as he pushed open the front door again. All of a sudden, a chubby grey cat skittered down the hallway to take a look at the arrivals. He bumbled over his own paws and sat down with wide eyes. "Oh, yeah. I forgot to introduce you to my cat. This is Mephistopheles. He's fat and he's an idiot, but we love him."

Alfred happily picks him up snuggling him. Awhing as he patted the fur " So cute! " he swoons

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