Alfred kept grinning at the pages, seeing the amount of usage on them. " How do you get a hold of these stuff?? " he asks.
"Mostly through close friends or just hunting in the right places. There's this place in town, kinda shady, but that's where I get my toys from too." Ivan produced another box from under the bed.
" Bad boy stuff huh ?~ " he grins down at Ivan and the toys " Do they check for ID? "
"Yeah. Sure, I'm sixteen, but I can fake an ID card like a pro." Ivan told him as he poked through his box of toys. "Forgot I had some of these."
Alfred seemed impressed and intrigued by the amount of toys, " We can try them this weekend ~ "
"Sure thing." Ivan grinned, reaching back under the bed. "What else do you see down there?"
" Umm..... " Alfred peeks his head more under, his butt sticking up in Ivans face. " Another box , it's a bit bigger " he tried to grab it.
"Take a look." Ivan nodded.
Alfred began to open the box curiously, sitting up on the bed.
Inside, there were a collection of old trinkets. Several Pokémon figurines, a beat-up game boy and a collection of postcards, written in a sloping script, from Russia.
"Yes way. I have the original Pokémon games too." Ivan grinned.
The American began to get excited " Oh my god can we play?? " he asked.
"Sure thing! I'll need to see if this thing still works though. It better do, I caught the legendary birds and Mewtwo..." Ivan mumbled as he turned the device on.
" Wow we have so much in common than I realise " Alfred attempts to turn the device on.
The screen flickered dimly before turning on, showing the familiar logos. "There, it works!"
" Yey! " Alfred sat himself closer to Ivan handing it over to him.
"Now... Where did my save file leave off? Oh yeah, I went back to Pallet Town..." Ivan mumbled as he watched the pixelated character moving through the town.
" Can I see your Pokemon?? " Alfred leans on him using Ivan as a head rest as he watched the screen.
"Sure." Ivan checked his game menu and his team. "Venusaur, level 100. Yes. I picked the grass type." He grinned. "Mewtwo, level 90, Pidgeot, level 87, Lapras, level 88. Also... Raichu, 77, and Moltres, level 75."
" Wow quite impressive! I'm taking a guess you also stayed up all night on this game? " he took a look at the Pokemon.
"Yeah. I got the more recent games too, for the 3DS." Ivan grinned proudly as Alfred looked at his Pokémon.
" Quite the little gamer aren't yah~ ?" Alfred looks up at Ivan proudly.
"Yup. Pokémon has always been my thing." He smiled, almost embarrassed but flattered at the same time.
" Then we should ' Duel ' sometime " Alfred winks at him, hinting a live naughty action rp.
"We really ought to. I'm always up for a battle." Ivan smirked. "Whether it's between the sheets or in the next gym is up to you."
" Hmm between the sheets sounds good " Alfred hums " However in the gym sounds hot "
"We ought to do both sometime. Public sex is great, trust me." Ivan laughed as he leaned over and squeezed Alfred's ass.
Alfred yelps at the squeeze and blushes, looking over his shoulder. " We can do it wherever you want "
"Perfect." Ivan smooched his cheek and laid his head in Alfred's lap.
Alfred turns over squirming in for a cuddle, grunting slightly because Ivan is heavy.
Ivan wrapped his arms around the American's smaller form, surrendering to the hug with no complaints.
Alfred gently smiles, as he snuggled into the Russians chest getting comfortable.
Ivan closed his eyes in bliss, sighing gratefully as Alfred moved closer to him.
Alfreds eyes began to drop, having been too relaxed in the Russians embrace and the feel of his warmf made him tired.
"Sleepy?" Ivan murmured, running his hands through the American's hair.
Alfred nodded gently as he yawns, snuggling more into the Russians chest.
Ivan pressed his lips to Alfred's head, burying his nose in the American's silky blonde hair. "Sleep well."
Alfred smiles, kissing the man's nose before falling asleep.
Ivan soon followed, holding Alfred close to him as the two slept.
Rusame - Lets Fuck
FanfictionI hate you, I hate you not. I HATE YOU. Fuck me in the ass