"Easy now. Don't tense up." The nurse told him in a reassuring voice, depressing the plunger on the needle.
He groans a bit louder, " Shit " Alfred hisses, his arm feeling numb.
"There we go." The nurse took the reading of his blood pressure and checked over his broken limbs. "We seem to be making a sound recovery here."
" How long do I keep the casts on? " Alfred asks.
"Maybe... Another week, maybe a week and a half? I'll ask my boss when he comes around next." She nodded, loading her equipment back onto her trolley.
Alfred watches her as he shrugged, " Good " He was wanting to miss his work and sleep.
"I'll see you later. Oh, and... Please, warn me if you're doing something next time." She wheeled her trolley away again.
" Sorry~ " he chuckles ,sighing as he cuddled Ivan again.
"We can get you out of here soon, I promise." Ivan kissed his forehead playfully.
" You should go do your Maths exam~ ♡ " Alfred smiles gently
"I didn't revise either. I'll call in like I'm dying of the bubonic plague." Ivan waved his hand dismissively.
Alfred giggles, " Dork " he nudged him, " more like you're dying of exhaustion from hospital sex "
"So what if I am?" Ivan poked his neck. "Idiot."
" You're a bad boy Ivan~♡ " he grins
"Yes sir." He replied sarcastically, putting his hands up in an innocent gesture:
Alfred made a pouty cute face, " I mean you shocked my Nurse~ how am I gonna get better? "
"I'll take care of you." He insisted.
" Oh is that so?~ " Alfred grinded gently
"Mmhmm. But first, would you like some McDonald's?"
"...." Alfreds stomach grumbles " Yes "
"I'll be back. Any orders, sir?" He asked, standing up again.
" Its breakfast so make sure it's a double sausage and egg Mcmuffin....don't forget the coffee and get yourself something too "
"Of course, master. See you later, nerd." He sauntered out of the room with a goodbye kiss.
" Don't be long Daddy~♡ " he kissed him back , giving him a quick smack on his ass.
Ivan jumped a little at the surprise ass slap, laughing as he headed out the door.
Alfred chuckles and as well whistled as the man left.
After maybe twenty minutes, Ivan returned with everything that Alfred had asked for in the bag.
Alfred was asleep, snoring gently with his legs spread open.
"Oi. I got the food." Ivan put down the bag on the bedside table, inhaling the familiar scent of hospital chemicals.
" Huh? " Alfred sat up rather quickly from his dreams, eyes sitting half open. Widening at the smell of McDonald's; Sniffing the air.
"Napping already?" Ivan asked rhetorically as he handed Alfred the bag. "There you go. Now, no more food sex."
Alfred pouts, " No fair ~ " he stuck his tongue out as he began to eat
Ivan waited patiently as he ate, occasionally sneaking a bite when he thought Alfred wasn't looking.
Alfred normally hates it when people steal his food, however it was okay with his boyfriend.
It didn't take long for the two of them to finish the entire bag of food.
Alfred was rather quiet , now taking a sip of his coke; Looking like he was thinking.
"Hey, you okay?" Ivan asked, wondering what could be on his mind.
Alfred nodded a little, smiling gently.
"Good." Ivan nodded in a reassured manner, before resting his head on Alfred's lap.
Alfred ran his fingers through Ivans hair leaving kisses on his forehead.
The Russian sighed happily, closing his eyes and relaxing. "This is so much better than exams."
" Dork " he laughs gently, " You make a point for once "
"Shut up." Ivan said, poking Alfred's nose blindly.
Alfred gasps the Russians finger, kissing it gently " Fine "
"Good boy. I need to sleep again." He announced.
Alfred zips his own mouth , finishing off his coke.
Ivan's eyes flickered open again. "Hey. I'm done sleeping, give me attention."
Alfred just eyes him, continuing to drink.
Ivan gently headbutted his crotch. "I love you."
Alfred moans gently, trying his best to keep quiet. He was wanting Ivan to feel bad for shutting him up, honestly Alfred wasn't good at acting.
"Oh? What was that I heard?" Ivan gave him a sly smile, his hand creeping up Alfred's leg.
Alfred closed his eyes, biting down on his mouth hard. He just continued to watch Ivan.
"May I?" He asked, his hand on the hem of his hospital gown.
Alfred continued giving Ivan the silent treatment, unfortunately for Alfred he was hard....very hard; Yes that didn't last long.

Rusame - Lets Fuck
FanfictionI hate you, I hate you not. I HATE YOU. Fuck me in the ass