Ivan recoiled in shock, hands cupping his mouth in horror. Immediately, the paramedics rushed in. "Okay, so your name is Alfred? We're going to get you to hospital now, okay? You're going to be alright."
He nodded weakly, his body shaking slowly passing out.
As the paramedics got Alfred onto a stretcher and into the ambulance, Ivan was always waiting, right there by his side. He sat in the back of the ambulance on the way to the hospital, tear-filled gaze locked on Alfred.
The paramedics gave Alfred a mask to help him breathe , trying to check to see if he was still breathing. They sigh in relief as to Alfred was breathing, his body had just only fainted from the pain.
Once they had reached the hospital, Alfred was rushed to the A&E operating theatre to clean up his wounds and fix his broken bones.
The American was in there for at least four hours before a nurse came out, walking over to the Russian. " You can go in now. ..he's still passed out though "
Ivan took the initiative immediately, almost running down the corridor and into the room where Alfred laid, clad in a hospital gown with a cannula running from his nose to the machine next to him.
The Doctors where stood at the end of his bed making sure his casts were secure and adjustable. Alfreds scared expression still remaining on the boys face, even when sleeping.
Ivan sat down by the bed, the same pained expression he had worn earlier still fixed on Alfred's almost angelic face.
The doctor began to write down notes, walking out the room leaving them both alone; the American still unconcious.
Ivan reached over cautiously and took hold of Alfred's undamaged hand.
"Alfred... Alfred. How do you feel?"
His eyes hover over up at that Russian, his eyes half open. A small weak smile appears on his face , attempting to squeeze his hand back. " I-Ivan...."
"I'm here, yes. Are you feeling okay?" He leaned closer, eyes still wide as he looked into Alfred's.
Alfred mumbled slightly, nodding looking into his eyes; the Americans eyes beginning to tear " I'm sorry "
"It's okay. Don't be sorry. Hey, they caught him, by the way. You don't need to go back to him."
Alfred closed his eyes biting his lip , sniffling as he turns his head away.
Ivan leaned closer. "Hey. You okay? You need the nurse in here or something?"
Alfred nodded no trying to hide his face, his tears getting worse.
"Hey. Look at me." Ivan said softly, resting his hand on Alfred's cheek.
Alfred smothered his face into the Russians hand, whimpering softly.
"It'll be okay. I promise." Ivan told him, planting a soft kiss on Alfred's forehead.
Alfreds hand tugs at the Russians scarf, urging the Russian to hug him.
Ivan wrapped his arms around Alfred, careful not to hurt him anymore as he buried his face in the American's shoulder.
Alfred hugged him back with his arm, trying to calm down.
"You're safe. I swear on my life." He murmured.
" I-Its not that " he mutters, sniffling

Rusame - Lets Fuck
FanfictionI hate you, I hate you not. I HATE YOU. Fuck me in the ass