Chapter Four

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"What did you expect?" He turned, one eyebrow raised as he pulled off his boots.

" A Dumpster " Alfred snickered as he hung his coat.

"Oh, please. We know that you're the trash here." Ivan rolled his eyes. "How kinky are we going here?"

" I don't know what's more kinkyer than getting your cock pierced " Alfred eyes his zipper " Did it hurt? "

"Sure did. But hey, it was fun. Definitely an experience I won't forget." The Russian grinned. "Upstairs. Now."

" Oh someone's eager? Care show me the way? " Alfred folds his arms grinning back at him.

"Come on." Ivan grabbed his arm and pulled him upstairs and along the hallway to a dimly lit room painted a dark shade of crimson. A king size bed dominated the floor space. "Welcome to my room."

" Welcome to hell " Alfred looked around giggling to himself at the comment. Of course he found himself amusing.

"Wow. Comedian much?" The taller man rolled his eyes. "Handcuffs, corsets and toys are under the bed. Rope is in the cupboard."

" Oh? So you do this for a living? " Alfred grined more " You like to play with yourself Ivan?~ " he continues to giggle.

"So what if I do?" Ivan grinned right back. "Do you, now~?"

" Possibly " the American bit his lip " Thats for me to know and for you to find out "

"Shall we begin? Would you like for us to use anything first?" Ivan's eyes flickered across the American. "While we're at it... Clothes off."

" Go ahead and strip me~ Do whatever you like " Alfred grinned as he winked over at the Russian teasinly " Master~ "

Ivan's cheeks turned a few shades darker as his hands tugged off Alfred's jacket, before tracing down to the hem of his shirt to pull it off. "You already know what I like..."

The American's eyes watched the Russians hands pull off pieces of his clothing, " You like to play ~ I get it~ You're a bad boy " he licks his lips , eyes glancing up into Ivans.

"That's right..." Ivan purred as he walked his fingers down Alfred's now-bare chest to his skinny jeans. He popped open the button and slowly began to pull them down.

Alfred began to blush darkly , eyes moving back to the Russians hands. He bit his lip begining to shudder, shamelessly under the males dominant spell already.

Ivan worked the American's jeans off entirely, dropping to his knees to kiss down the boy's stomach as he removed the garments.

Alfred curses gently under his breath, beginning to grow hard. Again, shamelessly from the Russians dominance; so easily winning Alfreds need.

"Good boy..." Ivan smirked, running his fingers over the waistband of Alfred's boxers and gradually pulling them down.

He covered his hard on, continuing to blush. However Alfred tried to hide his shyness " You're not getting me that easily Ivan~ "

"Oh really? You might not have a choice but to give in." Ivan stood up, pulling his own t-shirt over his head and cupping his rival's chin in his hand.

" Make me " Alfred purred

"I will." Ivan leaned forward and connected their lips in a kiss. Not a lover's kiss, all gentle and full of sweetness, but a rough embrace of tongue and teeth and violent need for satisfaction.

Alfred lets out a gentle moan, a moan which vibrated with the Russians lips. Satisfying and eager. He began to kiss back, his hands slowly moving up onto the man's shoulders.

Ivan's tongue snaked inside Alfred's mouth as they kissed, winding into the space in a newfound interest to claim this new territory.

Alfreds hands move up onto Ivans neck, slightly pulling him down to his level. His moans continued to venture out deeply, beginning to suck gently on his tongue.

The taller man shuddered, his hands reaching around to grab Alfred's ass as he pushed him down onto the bed, straddling his legs.

The American slightly jolted himself up against him, moans sounding more needy and slutty.

"Give me a minute, be patient... My pet." Ivan pulled off his own jeans, tossing them to the floor and revealing muscular legs which looked like they had been carved from white marble.

Alfreds blush grew to his ears, examining his marble legs. He tilted his head back,squirming as he waitied for the other to ready himself.

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