Ivan gripped his hand, smiling breathlessly. "Whoa. Thanks..."
Alfred smiles, his breathing beginning to calm down. Beginning to giggle " You don't need to thank me "
"Nah, I do. It was fun." He laughed at nothing in particular.
" Fun hm~? " Alfred snuggled closer , looking up at him.
"Mmhmm. Sex with you is always fun." Ivan nodded knowingly, wrapping an arm around Alfred.
Alfred placed his head in the crook of the Russians neck, face pressed gently on his cheeks. " Hmm. . I bet it was awkward with your mom though huh? "
"You don't say?" Ivan rolled his eyes. "Yeah, it was."
Alfred giggled " Atleast she wasnt mad , maybe concerned her son wet himself " He joked.
"Pfff. She has a habit for walking in at the worst times. There was this one time, you know that Asian dude, Yao? Yeah, he was over and he had me all tied up and was spanking me, and she decided to come in and see what all the slapping noises were."
Alfred burst into laughter , holding his stomach from the laughter being uncontrollable.
"She still brings it up from time to time, just to embarrass me even more." He shuddered. "Yao was pretty good though, to be honest.
" Hm? Is that so? " Alfreds laughter slowly stops, just a few more giggles
"Yeah. But hey, I have you now." He kissed Alfred's cheek abruptly.
" hmm...What happend ?..." Alfred asked curiously, kissing back at his cheeks.
"Well... I fell out with his family. They hated me, thought I was a bad influence, when really he was the one who influenced me. He does quite a lot of drugs, but he hides it well."
" Ohh... Well you are pretty intimidating ~ " Alfred teased.
"I try my best." Ivan grinned, reaching for his boxers.
" If I knew you liked torture play I would of done it at the beginning~ " Alfred stands up , letting the Russian put on the pair of boxers.
"There's always time for more." Ivan reassured him with a grin. "Just say when." He winked.
Alfred blushes a little bit , " Oh ? We can set a date then? This weekend? " Alfred began to head upstairs to look for some clothes.
"Hell yes." Ivan agreed, following to retrieve his own clothes. "This is gonna be amazing."
" I've always imagined you as the torture type~ " Alfred puts on one of Russia's shirts, assuming as that they are now boyfriend's he can borrow his boyfriend's clothes. He puts on some jeans and his shoes and goes up to the taller man.
"... Nice clothing choice." Ivan nodded in approval. "You can borrow one of my hoodies too, if you want."
" I would say the same but I'm too small for you " Alfred chuckled gently taking out his phone.
"Heh. You're just the right height for a head rest, though." He chuckled as he leaned his head on Alfred's.
Alfred continued the blush " Ass. " he started to scroll through messages from his Orphanage asking where he was and if he was okay. He cursed having forgetting to text them. " I'm in trouble "
"Shit. I can vouch for you, if you need it." Ivan raised his eyebrows in mild concern.
" Nahh not that much trouble " Alfred reassured, texting them back as to let them know he stayed over at a friends and that he is not feeling too well.
"Good. Hey, what shall we do now?" Ivan asked, still leaning on Alfred.
" let's look under your bed like you promised me hm? " Alfred puts down his phone , rolling up the long sleeves.
"Sure thing." Ivan grinned darkly. "There's loads of weird shit under there, just a warning."
" Looking at you Ivan I'm not surprised ~ " Alfred crawled over to the end of the bed.
Ivan ducked down to trawl through the mountains of strange boxes and old magazines under the bed. "First of all, what do you expect to find?"
" Probably vodka bottles, possibly some porn " Alfred watched him.
"Ding ding ding. Ten points for you." Ivan pulled out an empty bottle of Smirnoff, setting it to the side. "Need more of that later..." He mumbled as he pulled out a box and handed it to Alfred.
Alfred grins " Does Mommy know you have this stuff?~ " he began to rumble through the box.
"Mum knows about my smoking and the sex, but not so much the drinking. She thinks I only drink a little." He shook his head as he pulled out several porn magazines from the box, both heterosexual and gay.
Alfred smirked down at the magazines , flipping through a few pages ," Your poor mother knows too much "
"She copes well." Ivan rolled his eyes. It was quite obvious that the magazines emblazoned with men had been used more often than the others.

Rusame - Lets Fuck
FanfictionI hate you, I hate you not. I HATE YOU. Fuck me in the ass