Ivan chuckled throatily, grinning mischievously up at his boyfriend. "Was that fun?"
Alfred blushes , looking away as he rolls himself under the blanket.
"Idiot." Ivan kissed between his shoulder blades, before slipping beneath the covers to join him.
He wrapped himself around Ivan, hiding his blushed face in his shoulder.
"Let's sleep." Ivan held him close to his chest, wrapping his arms around him affectionately.
" Yes wife. " Alfred jokes with a small chuckle.
"Why am I the wife? I'm the strapping, manly young Russian man. Plus, you bottom." Ivan muttered, squeezing him with a little smile.
Alfred pffts and let's that roll off with a few giggles , " Nah you're a soft giant teddy bear who makes the food...And you sew "
"Shut up." Ivan muttered. "I love you."
" I love you too " Alfred planted a big sloppy kiss on his cheek.
"Eugh." Ivan laughed, closing his eyes with a sleepy grin.
Alred then pressed his lips onto Ivans before closing his eyes himself.
"Goodnight." Ivan returned the gentle kiss, before drifting off into a dreamless slumber.
Alfred himself eventually falls asleep, snuggling up more into his boyfriend's embrace.
About a week later, the two sat together in a quiet coffee shop, hands held tightly over the table. On Alfred's finger glinted a little band of gold.
Alfred couldn't stop smiling, his hands keeping tight on Ivans as he waited for his coffee.
The barista brought over the drinks. Ivan sipped his, eyes locked onto Alfred's. "So, we still need to set a date for the wedding. And we need to plan it. I'm gonna start working overtime to pay for it all..."
" I-Ivan there's no need to pay for it all! " Alfred ignored his coffee locking his eyes on Ivan, " I'll get a job too we do this together "
Ivan smiled thoughtfully. "Mm... If you say so." He squeezed his hand in thanks.
Alfred again smiles , " We have to tell your Mom "
"Yeah... I don't know when or how, though. Just mention it off guard?" He joked. "Hey mum, did you feed Mephistopheles? By the way, I'm getting married."
Alfred chuckles, " I'm excited to see her reaction " Alfred finally lets go of his hands to take a sip of his drink.
"Me too. I'm sure she'll take it well, she thinks you're good for me." He grinned.
Alfred winks through his sip, " Oh definitely "
"Shut up. You're too good to me." He rolled his eyes as he took another sip. "Getting married at nineteen... How the time flies."
" And hopefully die old with you....Wow saggy sex...." Alfred chuckles some more.
Ivan shuddered violently. "Well. That was an image that I didn't want to think of." He laughed. "It won't be that bad when we actually do it, I'm sure."
Alfred continued to smile , " Lets hope your cock isn't that saggy enough for me to fall off " he jokes
"Okay, it got worse." Ivan visibly cringed, shivering even more than before. "You nerd."
" It's cute when you look uncomfortable " His smiles more warmly at him
"Maybe you ought to tell me more of your weird perversions, then." Ivan rolled hie eyes, going red as he squeezed Alfred's hand again.
Alfred laughs again, " Awh you're going red! "
"Shut up." He murmured with a shy smile. "You're so weird."
" Says you with the box of toys " he kisses Ivans hand.
"Fine. Nerd." Ivan finished his drink and stuck his tongue out playfully at Alfred.
Alfred just leans up and kisses him " I'm not a nerd you A+ student "
"Shhh. Don't let my secret out." Ivan whispered, kissing back softly as he gripped Alfred's hand. The chilly winter air outside obscured them from view.
Alfred shivers, groaning once feeling the cold air. His head turns out the window as he watches the snow begin to fall. " I hate winter. "
"Really? I love it." Ivan pondered thoughtfully. "It's such a pretty time of year."
" That's easy for you to say " Alfred continued to shiver , cuddling himself as he looks back at him.
"Come on, move your chair round and cuddle up with me." Ivan offered.
Alfred rolls his eyes but does as he is told, just slightly moving his chair having being too cold to move.
Ivan enveloped him in a bear hug, snuggling up to him affectionately to keep him warm.
Alfred blushes as he was squashed into the man's chest. " nhm....bit better "
"Good." Ivan nodded decidedly and rested his chin on Alfred's head. "You're staying here until you're warm again."
" ....nhm. ...Until I'm warm again? " Alfred pouted
"Or forever. Whichever comes last."
" Forever sounds nice " Alfred hums
"I can deal with that." He pressed a lazy kiss to Alfred's head.
Alfred smiles stupidly to himself, " Idiot "
"Says you." Ivan closed his eyes, sighing contentedly. "I could fall asleep here."
" No please it's still too cold " Alfred pouted and demanded to be by a fire.
"Fine. Wanna go home and sit in front of the fore for a bit?" Ivan suggested.
" Yes of course " He sighs in relief as he sits up.
"Let's go." Ivan took his hand again as he stood up, zipping his coat back up.
Alfred simply took Ivans scarf without asking as he wrapped it around himself.
Ivan rolled his eyes. "Wow. Come on, then." The pair headed outside, starting on the brief walk home through the December snow.
Alfred giggled to himself as he held onto the scarf, kicking some of the snow beneath his feet as an idea popped into mind.
Ivan watched him with a small smile, occasionally kicking some more snow in his fiancé's direction.
Alfred huffs from behind the big scarf, also grinning mischievously. The American waited for the man to look away before quickly scooping up a snow ball. The Americans grin widens once jumping up and shoving the snow down the Russians pants before running off as fast as he could towards the house.
Ivan screeched, arching his back as he leapt about six feet in the air, bolting after Alfred with inhuman speed. "YOU ASSHOLE!"
" HAHHA !! " Alfred bursts into laughter as he was chased , slipping just ever so slightly as he attempted to run down the hill.

Rusame - Lets Fuck
FanfictionI hate you, I hate you not. I HATE YOU. Fuck me in the ass