Beorn the Bear

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  In the distance Kili could here Pansy's scream, he was close to the forest and made a mad dash for it, Bow ready.

Pansy zigzagged through the forest, praying she could out run the orcish wolves, however she knew much better than that. She needed a place to hide. There was a loud roar, it made the trees tremble. The wargs stopped their howling and froze. Pansy did not bother to turn around and look but rather made a run for a tree with a hollow center. Crawling in side she panted heavily trying her best to catch her breath as quietly as she could so as not to be found. "Maybe I lost them" she thought out loud. "But even still that Bear is still out there, he's the one that stopped them" she muttered. After a moment of silence she thought about it more and more, sure this new creature was very large, and very scary, but he was still very much a animal. had she not been able to talk to the animals? "I've got to try, maybe I can make friends with it" she thought to herself. Taking in a deep breath she exhaled, gripping her cross bow as tightly as her wounded fingers would allow she took a step out of the Hollow Tree.

Closing her eyes, she was greeted by a loud bellow, Saliva, and horrid breath. Large fangs, and a mass of black glistening fur. "pew" Pansy thought fanning the air before her nose as she opened her eyes. The bear snorted and huffed, a bit bewildered that she was showing no signs of fear. "um, excuse me?" Pansy asked, but she could hear no voice from the bear. "Why are you chasing me?" Pansy went on, yet still nothing. "Why were you chasing my friends?" She asked, the Bear stayed silent for a moment more before letting out a long snort. Hot air rushed into Pansy's face, blowing back her long locks "Dwarves," It grumbled deeply "they've brought trouble to my home" He added. Pansy nodded but smiled cautiously "Not on purpose I assure you, they'd, we'd never do that" she stated politely "Is this forest your home?" Pansy asked offering a even friendlier tone, she had become hopeful now that the bear as talking "yes and no, my home is the house you're friends have ran into, they shut me out, of my home home" Steadily the bear seemed to be getting more angry as he spoke. Pansy waved her hands "Oh no, no, no!" she gasped the bear watched her skeptically "I am very sure that they did not know that the place belong to you, they are not as rude as rumors are about the dwarves" Pansy said in haste "They are very nice! Balin, Bofur, Bombur, Ori, Dori, Kili and Fili" Pansy said with a growing smile "Even Thorin, he can be really nice when he wants to be, My brother...Bilbo is with them and the wizard Gandalf" Pansy went on the Bear seemed to be amused now "they are all very lovely in their own way,never would they do something so mean, not on purpose, scared I bet they were" Pansy rambled, the bear chuckled "an animated little thing you are, I've never met a dwarf who could talk to animals" the bear paused and nudged her face with his nose. Pansy giggled at the cold touch " nor one so beardless" He added, Pansy giggled more "Because I am not a dwarf!" She called "oh?" he asked Pansy nodded and held her head up proudly "I mister Bear, am Pansy Baggins of Bag End! a Hobbit" she said the bear murred amused "a halfling" He stated mildly impressed "you are a bit far from home are you not?" He asked. Pansy sighed "it's a long story, but yes I am, all of us are, we need shelter, those Orcs are after us, the big ones got a grudge against our king" Pansy spoke tiredly now.

The Bears gaze softened on her as his large dark eyes landed on her wrapped hands, bandages cover in red spots. "your hands" He rumbled as softly as a large bear could. "Oh those, an elf woman healed them....but the magic did not take I guess. it's just about my luck" Pansy muttered "what happened?" He asked "Wargs and Orcs happened" Pansy answered she carefully unwrapped one of her hands revealing her missing fingers, the Bear seemed shocked as it gumpily took a step back and raised it's head. "the cost of my friends life...i do not mind it so much, as he is safe" Pansy gazed at her hand with a resolved and content smile. "I'd do it again, and again if I had to, His friends need him, his people need him" She added wrapping her hand back up. "is he the king you were speaking of?" the bear asked Pansy nodded. "I am Beorn Chieftain of the Beornlings..." the Bear spoke up. Pansy looked up at the bear and smiled "is good to meet you Master Beorn" Pansy said with a light bow. the Bear chuckled "it's been long since anyone's bowed to me" Pansy looked up at him and smiled, he towered over her and padded closer "I will take you to my House, the Wargs will not follow me" He said kneeling down before Pansy.

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