The Breaking of the Company

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  Pansy stirred in the night, her eyes fluttered open, something light lay on her arm. Looking down she saw lightly graying locks of hair. Pansy paled as she followed it up to its owners crown. "Thorin?" she thought her body shook. She could vaguely remember what had happened. "no, no, no" she thought, she carefully rolled out of the sheet, grabbed her breastplate and carefully tipped out the door wrapping her coat around her. Hurrying down the halls so not to be seen, down to her assigned room. But she was seen, Kili watched her exit his uncles room and he watched with disbelief, his eyes "it couldn't be" he whispered, shaking his head. "no" he said to himself "you're being silly it's Pansy she would never, not with him" Kili reasoned with himself passing his Uncles door on the way to his room. However, his eyes were glued to it.

Thranduil awoke with a start in chambers, and Miles away in the forest of Lorien so did Galadriel, and in Rivendell Both Celebrian and Elrond. Thranduil leered into the light glow of his room. "Yavanna, she is displeased" he whispered, "Pansy has found favor in stone and not wood, she is bound now to the earth and the creatures of Aule, Yavanna is not fond of his creatures, as they are not a part of the Iluvatar's Song, to be one with them means, that she may never return home" Galadriel said connecting with the Elven kings and queen. "is it too late to change this misfortune?" Celebrian asked. "I am afraid that Pansy's path is set, unless death take her, but remember, as with all Aule's creatures, in death they shall return to the halls of their father" Galadriel said. "she is not wedded, with them yet, we may have time, if the one is back, Pansy's abilities will be most useful in the hands of the elves," Thranduil said. "this is true, but remember her path has only just begun, Thranduil, you cannot force Legolas upon her, when his heart is not in it" and with those words Galadriel broke the connection.

Thranduil got up from his bed and gazed out of his window into his woodland realm, troubled. He would not give up on the one thing that would promise the safety of his people through the approaching darkness.

Morning broke and Pansy awoke early, for she had been unable to sleep. "where were you last night?" Bilbo asked as he rose from his slumber. Rubbing his eyes. Pansy glanced at him, she couldn't share such things with her family. "I was looking at the manor it's filled with strange and marvelous things, Bilbo" She said thinking quickly. "you've never lied to poor Bilbo before" she thought, "they say you vanished from the party as well...where were you?" she asked him. Bilbo looked off eyeing his coat hanging across the room, a dark and hidden glint in his eyes. "oh nothing" was all he said. Pansy didn't pursue it any further and Bilbo was grateful.

Pansy grabbed her breastplate and walked out of the room, stretching outside of her door, she realized just how bad her body ached. She blushed shamefully. "how will I carry on this way? How do I face him?" Pansy thought as she trudged down to the dining hall.

A good number of the company was already there, upon walking in many of them smiled at her, a bit more friendly than usual. Pansy broke into a cold sweat. "do they know?" she wondered. At the head of the table, Thorin watched her, his face held the same expression it always held, and he did not seem out of the ordinary, but in the back of his eyes were was a tenderness. "come, eat, we will make for the mountain soon" Thorin said to her. Pansy nodded and headed to the table, "here little Baggins" Kili called quickly pulling the chair next to him out slightly. Pansy smiled at him and went to sit, Thorin watched her intently as she took the seat and narrowed his eyes a bit. "I am surprised you are up so early in the state you were in last night, had you drank anymore you'd probably be like poor Bofur down there" Kili said pointing to Bofur who was passed out under the table. Pansy giggled seeing this. "I am fine, I am used to drinking with the Took boys, I may be tipsy but it takes much more to have me drunken" Pansy boasted while trying to ignore just how sickly Kili was looking.

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