A Union of Kings

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  The days passed, and the pain and loss though still there eased, and Life continued. The Dwarves of Erebor worked at restoring their home and recovering from battle. Bilbo resting up before the return journey, he didn't like to think about leaving Pansy behind there, for she had been with him so long, and he had watched her grow. 

He waited outside her chambers, dressed in dwarven royal garb, that fit just a bit loose on him. He took in a deep breathed and twiddled his thumbs when Pansy finally exited. Adorned in all white from head to toe with the Kings crown on her head. she seemed to glow. "how do I look?" Pansy asked twirling around a smile on her face. "you look, wonderful!" Bilbo gasped already feeling tears coming and the event had not even started yet. 

Pansy smiled up at him has he held out his arm for her, Pansy gladly linked her arm in his and walked with him down the long halls to the entrance hall. They stopped just around the corner of the large corridor "are you ready?" Bilbo asked her Pansy nodded with a soft smile her face glowing "are you?" she asked. Bilbo sucked in his lips and bit his jaw blinking hard trying to fight tears, "no" He said his voice cracking "but I am going to do it anyway" he said composing himself.

Bilbo and Pansy rounded the Corner and walked down the Entrance hall which was elaborately decorated with all sorts of silver, clear jewels, and pearls. The people of Dale and Dwarves from all 7 of the dwarf kingdoms, The Misty, Blue, Red and Grey Mountain dwarves, The Iron Hills, even dwarves from the Glittering Caves, all lined the sides of the hall. This included Dane,Beorn, Bard, and his children, as well as Radaghast, Thranduil, Elrond a small host of Elves and the Lady Galadriel.

 As Pansy passed them they each bow their heads. Pansy looked up the hall ahead of her in the sunlight of the open gates stood Kili, dressed in royal robes he held in his hands a small blue cushion and on it sat a soft silver crown and a small square silver ring that was all too familiar, as it had once been Thorin's. 

Dwarf Women sung softly in unison.

Bilbo walked Pansy to the entrance and she stood before Kili, but not before giving a nod to the company who surrounded him. Kili stepped off to the right, and Pansy to the left, Bilbo between them as Kili and Pansy faced each other. Gandalf stood behind them and cleared his throat causing everyone including the singing Dwarf women to silence themselves. 

"We have come together here in celebration of the joining together of Pansy Arkenstone-" Pansy raised her hand " Pansy Arkenstone Baggins" she corrected quickly. Bilbo smiled and Gandalf nodded "right and Kili son of Durin's Folk. There are many things to say about marriage." Gandalf spoke, Pansy blushed at even the sound of the word but nonetheless beamed. "Much wisdom concerning the joining together of two souls, has come our way through all paths of life, and from many cultures. With each union, more knowledge is gained and more wisdom gathered. Though we are unable to give all this knowledge to these two, who stand before us, we can hope to leave with them the knowledge of love and its strengths and the anticipation of the wisdom that comes with time. The law of life is love unto all beings. Without love, life is nothing, without love, death has no redemption. Love is anterior to Life, posterior to Death, initial of Creation and the exponent of Earth. If we learn no more in life, let it be this." Gandalf said looking between both Pansy and Kili who watched him speak. His words so relevant to them that it almost hurt, but it was a good pain for much of what they had learned along the way of the quest for Erebor and the Battle for the mountain was just what Gandalf had said.

"This Union is a bond to be entered into only after considerable thought and reflection. As with any aspect of life, it has its cycles, its ups and its downs, its trials and its triumphs. With full understanding of this, Kili and Pansy have come here today to be joined as one. I ask simply if she comes of her own will and if she has her family's blessing. Pansy is it true that you come of your own free will and accord?. " Gandalf said Pansy nodded and smiled "I have" she said "To who comes, with his blessing to accompany you" Gand asked turning his gaze to Bilbo. Who with teary eyes and swallowing back the tears took Pansy's hand and Kili's and joined them together "I" said Bilbo with a smile as he backed away. Pansy smiled at him as he went to stand with the others in a crescent line behind them.

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