His Greatest Warriors

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  "Behind me lass!" Dane called as he shoved Pansy behind him. The remaining of Dane's soldiers, less than half now, reformed their shield wall in a crescent shape a few feet away from the base of Erebor's gate. Pansy tried to calm herself down and connected with the water at the moat, prepared to use it if need be. Armored Cave Trolls and Orcs marched slowly towards them "this may be the end Pansy" She told herself. "how are you enjoying your grand adventure?" she asked and every memory she had flashed before her, the good the bad, and the terrible. Yet mostly the smiles of the friends she had made, the kind wise Balin, Simple sweet Ori, headstrong and courageous Dwalin, be it they started out on rough terms, gentle softhearted Bofur, Rough edge Gloin, refined Dori, Silly Bombur, Steadfast Fili, and all the others, but more than ever she could see the faces of the two who have left her heart and emotions in a shambled maze. Thorin and Kili. She could recall every time they'd ever smiled at her or laughed. And this caused Pansy to smile as she looked on to the marching Orcs. Every step she had taken thus far was worth it, she had had her journey and would take whatever end it offered her.

A loud horn blared behind them, but it was no orc horn.

Pansy gasped and turned to look up behind her. Atop the gate stood Bombur a large horn around his body as he blew it. Then the stone wall of the gate busted by the aid of a large golden bell which rung out echoing over the battlefield. Pansy and the other Dwarves evaded the stray debris that fell around them. Pansy protected her eyes from the dust and focused on the opening, the broken gate creating a bridge across the moat. From her place at Dane's back, she could see Thorin and company racing out, Kili and Fili at his sides. By instinct Dane's men made way for the king. Pansy felt tears burn in her eyes and her heart explode as a grin came to her face Dane turned to move out of their way as they ran past he gave Pansy a push "join your king lassy!" He called out to her, Pansy gave him a smile before racing to join them, meeting with Balin who nodded to her "to the king!" Dane called out.

Thorin sounded a war cry as he lead the clash between the dwarves and the orcs. The ground rumbled beneath her feet and a wave of rock pushed out of the ground and rammed at the orcs before her "my child I will lend you what gifts are given to me" Aule said. "for you fight for my creations" He added.Pansy smiled and flexed her hand dong so the ground pulsed she beamed.

"Pansy!" Ori called out to her as he fought, Pansy laughed and made her way to him sweeping her hand through the air she sent a fair size boulder into the Orc nearest to them. Ori watched her with wide eyes "did you do that?" He asked slashing off an Orc's arm. Pansy nodded excitedly. "Ori, I'm the daughter of Aule! Aule and Yavanna!" she cheered, pulling free the dagger and slashing it across an Orc's neck. Ori beamed back at her and the two fought together. "Kili's worried mad, I know he must have seen you but still you should find him!" Ori called to her. Pansy nodded and stomped her foot bringing up pillars of stone just high enough to walk over the Orc's heads. Pansy hopped across them, but as she reached the last one a Cave troll swung his large fists at it, it shattered and Pansy flew off from it. "Pansy!" Kili called pulling his sword free from the caved in face of an Orc and ran for her. She hit the ground hard,and groaned "nnnhg, I know never to do that again" she muttered trying to sit up but her back would not let her move. "Pansy!" Kili called cutting through the Orcs, he rammed his sword into the chest of one looming over her yelling at it, he drove it to the ground and ripped free his blade. "you'll not touch her!" he barked swing his body around swiping his sword at another lopping off it's head. "Pansy!" Kili panted holding out his hand to her.

"Kili" Pansy said giggling as she let him help her up. She hugged him as he swung at another Orc. And pulled away promptly "I thought you would have perished" Kili said his voice cracking slightly, Pansy made a fist and a rock floated before it three times its size, and Kili's eyes grew wide as it floated there before she flexed open her palm and sent the rock hurling at an Orc Behind him. "I thought I would have too" she said, Kili knocked a sword free from an Orc and handed to to Pansy. "but I've made it" She said. Holding it as best she could in her hand while the other was still useless. "because you are the child of moon?" Kili asked cutting into another Orc. "yes, but however did you know?" Pansy asked dodging a Orc while Kili cut him down. "I was told in a dream" he said with a huff as he swerved out of the way of an Orc before Fili rushed in his axe hacked into its chest. He turned to Pansy and gave a nod and a smile before darting off deeper into the battle. Pansy glanced at Kili "fancy a test in speed it has been a while?" Kili asked. Pansy smiled and nodded, Kili cut his way through the orcs "then keep up little Baggins!" he called to her playfully.

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