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  Pansy walked off into a hall and sank to her knees, she wiped her eyes with her good hand and sniffled. "why this, to make it all the way here and yet to have this happen" she thought wiping away more tears. She looked up at the empty halls above her. "Thorin" she whispered closing her eyes. Her thoughts ended as footsteps sounded behind her, she wiped away the last stray tears and stood up turning to face them. "Kili" she said with a bit of shock. He walked over to her limping slightly. "heh, not who you were expecting?" he asked with a small smile. "no, honestly not" she muttered looking away. Kili's smile fell. "you never said anything to me,so I figured I'd come to you" He said, the air hung heavy over them.

Kili looked over her, she wore that same white gown as when she was Semi-crowned. "you look" He said pausing, "radiant" He said. Pansy blushed but still refused to look at him. "thank you" she said her voice sounding tired, spent. Kili's face contorted with worry as he walked up to her, "are you alright?" He asked seriously. Pansy nodded "just a bit tired that is all" she said, "look at me" Kili said reaching for her face, but Pansy moved her head, "look at me!" Kili demanded tilting her face up Pansy sighed in frustration and looked into his eyes. Kili gasped and look over her face. "you look exhausted! Terrible" he said giving her a once over. Tilting her head from side to side. She swatted his hand away "what happened to radiant" Pansy asked in dry jest. "no no I didn't mean it like - I mean...well" Kili stammered. Pansy rested her hand on his arm stopping his panic "I know" she said letting her hand fall away from him as she walked passed him. "Pansy Wait!" Kili called, Pansy stopped her back to him. "about" Kili sighed "about in Laketown...what I said I-" Pansy started to walk away down the hall. "It does not matter what you said Kili" she said "it was no business of mine" she said. Vanishing behind a corridor. Kili sighed and touched his arm where her hand had been. Looking behind him he spotted Thorin peering at him with a dark and unreadable look before he turned back through where he came.

Pansy spotted Bilbo sitting alone, he held something small and golden in his hands. Pansy tilted her head as he seemed to be twirling it around mindlessly. She went to go to him but stopped as Thorin walked into view he spotted Bilbo holding something and his eyes flared "what is that!" he called "In your hand!" he called out, Pansy rushed to Bilbo and as he stood up she stood behind him. "it-its nothing" Bilbo said calmly. "show me" Thorin's reply was quick and curt. "it-" Bilbo opened up his palm to show a single tiny acorn. Thorin looked at it and then to Bilbo in disbelief. "I picked it up in Beorn's garden" Bilbo confessed. "you've carried it all this way?" Thorin asked, a light coming into his eyes and for the shortest of moments, Pansy could see the real Thorin in them. "I'm going to plant it in my garden, In Bag End" Bilbo said putting it in his pocket. Thorin laughed faintly " it is a poor prize to take back to the Shire" Thorin said. "one day it will grow" Bilbo said glancing back at Pansy " and every time I look at it I will remember" he said his eyes back on Thorin. " Remember everything that happened, the good, the bad, and how lucky I am that I made it home" Bilbo said. This made Thorin smile, and seeing him Smile made Pansy smile, Finally there he was. Maybe there was still a bit of hope. Bilbo laughed a bit as well, as He saw them both finally happy while around each other again.

"Thorin" Bilbo said with a slight seriousness. But he was interrupted as Dwalin walked in "Thorin, Survivors from lake town. They're streaming into Dale" he said, and as he did Thorin's smile faded, he side glanced and the darkness was back in his eyes, the light had faded. Pansy sighed and lowered her head a bit. She could not be a queen to this. "call everyone to the gate" Thorin said grabbing Pansy's arm roughly as he walked past Bilbo dragging her behind him. She glanced back at Bilbo and Dwalin before trying to desperately keep up with Thorin who's pace was going far too quickly. "to the gate!" he called out. "now!"

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