Begining at the End

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It had been 2 months to the day that Bilbo left Erebor, 15 months since the quest had begun. Pansy and Kili new fresh rule had been working their hardest to restore the Lonely Mountain. Not without the aid of Balin and Dwalin who remembered well the days of old. Durin's folk were slowly returning home and the dwarves were busy aiding Dale in rebuilding its life.

Kili walked the many stone halls in search for Pansy but he could not find her. Passing Dis in the halls he stopped her "Mother" Kili asked troubled "have you come by Pansy? I cannot find her" He asked Dis smiled to her son "last we've seen of our Lady she had gone to the tombs" She said. Kili frowned but nodded and thanked his mother before heading that way. He was sure Pansy had coped with her losses.

Pansy in the dark of the tombs sat on her knees before Thorin's grave, looking up at the elaborate stone and gold cased tomb. Her eyes wide and trembling hands in her lap. Pansy exhaled and hugged her stomach leaning forward her eyes to the floor in front of her. She took breaths, trying her best to calm herself down as she found it hard to breathe. "Pansy?" Kili called seeing her there on the floor, he rushed to her side, getting down on the ground with her. Resting his hand on the curve of her back he held her hair away from her so that he could see her face. Her wide shocked and terrified eyes, sent a jolt of worry through his body. "what's happened?" Kili asked quickly. When she did not answer him he shook her gently "Pansy?" He asked.

She closed her eyes slowly and bit her lip shaking her head. "come now Pansy tell me" Kili coaxed her softly rubbing her back. "is it the memories of the battle? Dwalin has been having a hard time as well, they have been haunting him, but they will pass they-" Pansy shook her head and turned to look at him slowly still leaning forward her eyes opened and were still very wide. "Kili" she breathed as if all the air had been pushed out of her. "I-" she started and stopped side glancing to the stone floor. Kili waited as patiently as he could but his pulse was racing.

"I haven't my menses in two months and 4 nights" she said cautiously Kili squinted at her and tilted his head. She then looked to Thorin's tomb with wide eyes. "I am not ready, what has he done to me" she whispered "you're saying you are-" Kili stopped as she nodded hugging her stomach tighter. Kili exhaled a smile broke on his face and he started to laugh as he got to his feet. Pansy looked to him figuring that he had lost it. Kili saw her confused troubled face and shook his head, still carrying his smile he held out his hand for her. "Pansy" he called to her. She took his hand and he pulled her to her feet. "Azog wanted to end the line of Durin. Yet I have survived, and You you know carry the blood of Thorin in your belly, Pansy Azog has lost!" He cheered. Pansy looked down at her stomach. "I cannot do this, I am not a mother, not yet." Pansy said. Kili took her face in his hands and kissed the top of her head "you will be in time, and I shall treat it as my own and raise it with our own offspring when they come" He said softly. Pansy shook her head again and Kili chuckled a bit "you will be ready when it comes" He said. Pansy sighed heavily and nodded.

The months went by fairly quickly and Born from them was Thrair Son of Thorin. With Ore gray eyes and brown hair with golden highlights and raven lows, he grew to be an Image of his father. Bilbo smiled at the first portrait he received of the growing Dwarf child. And kept them of a log he had created of the Durin line.

Months turned to years, faster than anyone could have imagined. And the line of Durin grew. After Thrair came 5 sons from Kili. Thili, who was an image of his uncle before him, otherwise taking more after Pansy, in his eyes and face, Bilby the striking image of his mother and the youngest, Thor who took after his father and uncle, Furin who took after Kili, Thorne twin of Thor tho to took after many in his bloodline, and Bror who was all but Kili's reflection.

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