Far, Far Away

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  Pansy beat on Bard's door with great force, he swung it open and peered down at them confused " no I have had enough of dwarves" he said going to shut the door. Bofur jammed his foot and shoulder in its way stopping him. "no wait! no one will help us!" Bofur said hurriedly. Bard looked down to Pansy's red watery eyes as she stood behind Bofur out of breath from running all the way there. "Kili is Sick," Bofur said looking back at Kili who was slumped over and being supported by Fili and Oin, nearly dead weight. "he's very sick" Bofur said. Bard looked over their distraught faces. Kili panted and huffed and raised his head to look at Bard, Pansy turned to examine Kili again, feeling his forehead and behind his ears. "burning" she muttered turning back around to Bard she looked up at him pleadingly. Bard looked over then one last time and threw the door open. "inside hurry" he said. Watching them as they rushed Kili inside. "Dad, what are they doing here?" Bain asked furiously. "they need help" Bard said simply rushing to find something that may help.

They laid Kili down while Sigrid and Bard tried to find something to help Kili, Pansy had a cool rag resting on his forehead, she held it in place the other hand resting on his arm. "you're alright, Kili, you'll be ok" she said to him softly. Rubbing his arm with her thumb. He looked up at her through fluttering eyes. She bit her lip "I promise" she said. Kili shook his arm free of her hand and instead took her hand in his, squeezing it was tight as his weakening body will allow. Fili and Pansy looked up at each other. "stay with me?" Kili asked her faintly. Pansy nodded and gave his hand a squeeze back. "you have stayed by me all this way, without any reason at all or need to. I would not leave, if the jaw's of the dragon lay above us, and a sea of fire below, but you must promise the same" Pansy said her voice shaking "rest" she said. Fili watched them and though the circumstances were terrible he smiled.

Hours had passed, and they had tried everything, "flue draughts, Viral draughts, infection serum, cold medicine, detox! We've tried it all" Bofur said "and nothing is working!" Fili said. "he can't take much for of these the detox was too much on his body" Oin warned. Pansy shook, Tilda had brought her a chair as she had not moved from her spot, it had been well over 3 or 4 hours and Kili was only getting worse. Pansy wouldn't open her eyes for she didn't want to cry before him. This time, this time, she was going to be the strong one.

It was nearing noon now. And Kili yelled and cried out in pain. Pansy and Sigrid and piled furs and coats under Kili's head to keep him propped up and under his leg to support it while Oin tried his best to examine the wound. But his cries were driving Pansy mad. Her eyes were wild and still burning red with tears that had been rubbed away before falling. Her stomach felt jittery as it tossed and turned and burned. Her hands shook her nerves were at war. "Pansy!" Bofur called to her "huh!" she called high pitched as she turned to face him. "maybe you should sit down, you've done enough, you're tired and exhausted" Bofur reasoned. Pansy looked down at Kili and shook her head "no, I promised to stay and that's what I mean to do, he needs me now" she said resting a hand on his head. Bofur smiled a strained smile and went back to helping himself. Pansy found herself forgetting to even breath. Fili who was at her side near the bed they had laid Kili on laid his hand on her shoulder. "it's alright, calm down" He said. Pansy shook her head and looked away from Kili. Bofur came running with hot water and a fresh rag. "Its no use, the fever needs to come down first!" Oin said. Bain watched outside the window to see the lake was heavily at unrest, the waves thrashed about, water pouring up onto the floating dock roads, even their house was swaying.

"Dad, what happening to the lake?" He called but went unheard as Bard tried his best to find something for the fever. "I- I have Nightshade and Fever Few" Bard said

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