Gen's POV
Lindsey's scream pierced my ears, everyone stared at her in annoyance. She suddenly jumped up, knocking pizza all over the floor. "I might have gotten you guys a gig!" She squealed lolloping out the room. Kira started laughing, "As if she got us a gig." She said whilst stuffing her face with more pizza.
I wiggle out of Matt's arms and grab Caitlin's hand, we sneak up the stairs to spy on Lindsey, who was hiding away on her phone having a conversation. Caitlin lays on the floor listening through the crack of the door, I stand on her back with my ear pressed against the door. We are ninjas.
We couldn't really hear her, and that's strange considering how loud she normally is. The phrase that really caught my attention was 5 Seconds Of Summer. I look down, Caitlin heard it too. Lindsey started walking towards the door, making me and Caitlin fly down the stairs and onto the sofa, and just in time too, Lindsey walks into the front room with a massive grin on her face.
"How does a year long tour around the world with the band, 5 Seconds Of Summer, sound?"

5sos and tr33s tour
Fanfictioncute smol band is brought to life thanks to 5sos, and their new life as an adventure begins and sO MUCH TO COME!!!!!