Ashton's POV
I'm so bored! Luke and Michael are sat on the floor playing Mario Kart, screaming at each other, so I won't be able to get a decent conversation out of them for a few hours. I look over and see Calum. "Hey dude, what are you looking at?" He has a massive grin on his face as he comes and sits next to me, passing me his phone. "What is it?" He points to the screen, oh, he wants to show me a YouTube video, I press play.
"Hey, we are Tr33s!" A girl with pastel pink hair shouts, waving her arms in the air. "Caitlin, calm the fuck down. Sorry she's had way to many cans of Monster today." A girl with long black hair and green fringe says, she has a really nice smile, awh.
"Anyway," the girl with black/green hair says, "this is Caitlin, she is our guitarist." She points to the girl with pink hair. She is wearing a white 'Bring Me The Horizon' T-shirt with long black sleeves and black skinny jeans with rips in them, she looks so cool! She is also one of the smallest ones there which makes me chuckle. "This is Morgan, he is our bassist." She points to the dude standing next to Caitlin, he has hair like Michael's; its orange and green which reminds me of Halloween, he is wearing knee high shorts and a red flannel shirt, I imagine him getting on really well with Michael. "This is Gee, who sings with me." She points to a girl with long black hair with one side shaved. Damn she is cute. She is wearing an 'Of Mice and Men' T-shirt with black skinny jeans.
"And this is Toby our drummer." She points to the dude on the drums who does a quick drum solo. He has blue hair and is wearing a Marvel T-shirt. Wow, I like these people already.
"And this is Kira, the other singer!" Caitlin shouts with energy, hugging Kira but accidentally hitting Gen with the guitar. Kira is wearing an 'All Time Low' muscle tee, a black tube top underneath, with black, ripped, super skinny jeans. She's really cute. "Thank you Caitlin, for making everyone deaf!" I laugh, these guys seem great!I pause the video, "Guys!" Michael and Luke glare at me, that must have been an intense game of Mario Kart. "You need to watch this video!" I switch the TV settings and put YouTube on so everyone can see, I play the beginning of the video again and see the guys are smiling and laughing. "Caitlin's energy is adorable, look at Morgan's hair it's so cool!" Michael says with excitement. "Kira though, damn she's cute." Luke says, looking down with embarrassment. "We are going to be doing a cover of 'Time Bomb' by All Time Low, hope you enjoy." Gen says whilst sorting out her fringe. Awh, I like her a lot. Caitlin starts playing the intro on the guitar whilst jumping around, Toby and Morgan also start playing with the same energy. When Gen starts singing my heart stops, it's so perfect. Then Kira joins in and she is also amazing. I see Luke watch her as she moves around the room, bless, Luke has a crush.
When the song is over I look at the guys who are smiling, "They are so great!" Michael and Calum shout. "I know right!" I say enthusiastically, we then spent the rest of the day watching all their covers and funny videos, we also went onto their personal channels and watched all their videos. We found out their manager is called Lindsey, she is really cool and has half black and half blue hair. For the rest of the night Tr33s were all we could talk about.
"How about we do a tour with them?" Luke suggested, whilst scrolling through Kira's Twitter. "Yes!" Calum said sliding onto the couch beside me. "Sure, I'll message Lindsey." Michael said getting out his phone.
Caitlin's POV
Today is lazy day! Lazy day is when Tr33s go to Toby's and watch films and eat pizza. I love lazy days! I meet Gen and Lindsey in town around 12 o'clock, they look really cute today; Gen's wearing a black skater skirt with a dark green flannel tee. Lindsey is wearing skinny jeans with an 'All Time Low' T-shirt. I didn't know what to wear today as the weather in England is unpredictable, I'm just wearing black shorts and a 'Fearless Vampire Killers' T-shirt. We go to the shops and get tons of Monster and sweets, then walk to Toby's.
Toby's house is adorable and it feels like a second home to us. We were all huddled together and half way through Home Alone 2, when Lindsey started screaming.

5sos and tr33s tour
Fanfictioncute smol band is brought to life thanks to 5sos, and their new life as an adventure begins and sO MUCH TO COME!!!!!