Morgan's POV
Woah, my head hurts. I jump out my bunk and get some orange juice from the fridge, we have a busy day today; we have to go on a radio show for an hour with 5SOS to do some silly challenges and then Caitlin suggested we go on a picnic before our next show in Perth. Because we are on tour for a year, our manager managed to get a shower on the tour bus for us. I quickly shower, then get changed in some black knee length shorts and my Pokémon T-shirt, I hope Michael likes it, I smirk.
I see Gen and Toby are awake and playing 'The Last Of Us' on the PS4, still in their pjs with bed hair. "Guys you should really start getting ready, we have to go in an hour." I say sitting next to them, stealing the controller from Toby, who groans and wanders off to wake Kira and Caitlin up.
Memories from last night invade my thoughts, it was amazing. After the concert, we all went outside and took pictures and signed peoples albums and T-shirts, one girl asked me to sign her chin. Then we all went back to 5SOS tour bus and watched adventure time, while eating Chinese food and randomly shouting out things like "GUYS, REMEMBER THE CONCERT!" Thinking about it now, it seems silly, but we were all just so hyped and we didn't care if we looked like weirdos because we were all together and that's all that matters.
Ashton's POV
I'm the last awake and see the guys are all dressed wearing band tees and black skinny jeans. I get up changing into a 'Linkin Park' vest and some black knee length shorts.
We meet Tr33s outside the Radio Station building, they all look super cute. We all get set up in the studio room, then we're live.
Jimmy smiles, he is our host today.
"So ladies and gentlemen, how about a game of spin the bottle to get to know each other in a more intimate way?" He says pulling us into a circle. "Okay so, I'm going to be asking questions to each of you and if you get a question wrong you have to spin the bottle and kiss whoever it lands on." He smiles, getting out his question cards from his shirt pocket."Who wants to go first?" He asks looking around the circle.
"I will." Toby says. To be honest I don't mind kissing anyone here, I just hope that if I get a question wrong, I get to kiss Gen. "Okay Toby, first question, what year was the 4th episode of Star Wars released?" Toby smiles, "1977." He says with confidence.
"Correct, well done. Calum its your turn." He says pulling out the next question, "Okay, what year did Susan Boyle win X-Factor?" Calum sighs, everyone starts laughing. "1900." He replys knowing the answer is wrong. "Susan Boyle if you are listening, I am sorry." He chuckles. Calum leans down and spins the glass bottle on the floor. At first it doesn't land on anyone, it just points to the empty space, so he spins again but this time it lands on Caitlin. Caitlin is zoned out, looking at the pictures on the wall, and she doesn't realise what's happening 'til Calum grabs her around the waist and kisses her right on the lips! Caitlin looks down with embarrassment causing a round of awhs from everyone. Calum steps back into the circle raising his arms in victory, making Caitlin laugh.After a few rounds of people getting the answers right and one round where Morgan and Michael kissed, but they played it up and started dancing romantically, making Luke start humming a slow tune to go with there dancing.
But the next round, Luke got the question wrong and when he spun the bottle it landed to Kira. Kira started blushing madly, Luke went all shy and held her check and gently kissed her, we all know something is going on between them two, but its still cute to watch them be shy and cute.After that game we answered a few questions about the tour, had a lot of laughs, and then it was time for our picnic!

5sos and tr33s tour
Fanfictioncute smol band is brought to life thanks to 5sos, and their new life as an adventure begins and sO MUCH TO COME!!!!!