Caitlin's POV
I wake up snuggled under a blanket with Calum, how did I end up here? My head throbs so I get up and get a glass of milk from the fridge and some paracetamol. Suddenly Luke comes waltzing through the door which makes me jump, luckily no one wakes up.
"Why have you come back so late?" I whisper lifting myself up onto the counter. "Why are you in the 5SOS bus?" He asks back. I glare at him which makes him giggle and I point over to Calum who has moved on from me and is now hugging a cushion.
"Sooo. Where have you been?" I repeat luckily this time he answers. "Out with Kira. We went to the beach and it's given me motivation to write a new song!" He smiles. I ruffle his hair which I know he hates people doing. "Good on you, I hope you and Kira get together, you guys are cute." I say hopping down from the counter and grabbing my shoes, I can't be bothered to put them on so I just hold them awkwardly. He blushes, "Me too, sweet dreams Pinky." He says shutting the door behind me. Is 'Pinky' my new nickname? If so, I don't like it. I run back to the Tr33s tour bus feeling sand between my toes, I love the beach, its so relaxing. It's a shame Lindsey hates the sea so much, she just stays hidden at the back of the tour bus, as far away from the sea as possible.When inside the bus I tiptoe to my bunk, plug my headphones in and fall asleep to Kurt Cobain's beautiful voice.

5sos and tr33s tour
Fanfictioncute smol band is brought to life thanks to 5sos, and their new life as an adventure begins and sO MUCH TO COME!!!!!