Luke's POV:
Everyone is awake except for Kira and Gen, jetlag really hits them bad. So whilst waiting for them to wake up, Ashton and I are cuddled up to each other. Which is weird as I normally cuddle Calum or Michael. We've been watching Star Wars all morning and Calum and Caitlin are still imitating characters, at one point Caitlin attempted to imitate Jabba the Hutt and we all laughed so hard. Toby keeps checking his phone and smiling, wonder who she is? Morgan and Michael were playing on their 3DS. Calum and Caitlin were cuddling and watching the TV. Ashton and I were just cuddling and observing everything around us. Occasionally bringing up the topic of Gen or Kira, apparently he has a little thing for Gen. We had to stop at a local gas station to fill up the bus for our journey to California, which is a few hours away. Caitlin wanted to get more Monster to stay awake and Michael wanted to get packs of beer and cider as a treat for everyone, so they go to the store next to the gas station. I noticed earlier this bus had quite a good kitchen area with utensils and literally an oven. Maybe I can spend the journey trying to bake a cake with Kira? Something sweet to do. Like a date.
In the store, it's only Caitlin with Michael, Calum and I. The other guys are on the bus or still sleeping. I grab random baking stuff off the shelves without knowing what's what then Caitlin grabs things from my hands and places it back on the shelf, "Dude that's a chocolate mix, and you're holding a sponge cake mix, which one are you doing?" She laughs, "Um," I scratch my head "maybe a rainbow cake?" I look at the food colouring. Caitlin smiles at me for a while "Baking with Kira, eh?" She winks, I blush slightly and turn away in embarrassment, "Just something to do." She gently nudges me and grabs red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple food colouring from the shelf and dumps it in her basket. "I've been friends with those losers for over five years, I know what she'd like." She grabs random icing colours and dumps it in her basket. "Thanks. I guess." I giggle slightly.
We're back on the bus again, Star Wars on TV, Caitlin emptying our food and drinks into the fridge and helping me set up the kitchen for later.
Caitlin's POV:
What Luke is doing is so cute and thoughtful, I didn't know he really had that side to him. On the other hand, this morning I spent the whole time watching Star Wars and cuddled up to Calum. It felt like such a special moment that I want to do a lot. But touring with 5 Seconds Of Summer is the most special moment of my entire life, I wish this tour would just last forever. Actually. That would get pretty boring wouldn't it? We'd need to adventure and party with other bands and hang out with random singers or artists we used to despise in our early teens. But currently, I am loving life, more than ever.
Seriously Toby has been smiling at his phone all morning, who is the lucky girl hm? He'll probably tell us eventually, I mean, Morgan has noticed and so has Luke and they've both asked him at random points and he's just covered it as a 'funny post' or 'just something on Tumblr' and we don't believe him.
A sound alarms us which makes everyone pause and turn to face the bunks. Kira cautiously walks through looking startled, "It's okay guys, I fell off my bunk trying to get off." She laughs brushing her hair out of her face. Luke's face brightens up as he laughs too, he seems so excited that she's now awake, bless. "Kira, you're such an idiot." Morgan laughs and proceeds to play on his 3DS. Everyone in Tr33s is still in their pjs and bless the 5SOS boys for napping in their actual clothes. Plus we heard all of them except Calum sleeps naked so they'd probably be uncomfortable with us around at the moment.
Luke's POV:
Kira smiles at me then goes inside the bus' bathroom and brushes her teeth. "Oh crap, I forgot to brush my teeth too!" Caitlin runs to the bathroom and joins her to brush her teeth too. "Hey Calum, maybe you should brush your teeth too, considering you have terrible morning breath." Ashton laughs. "Oh my God. Stop." Calum goes to brush his teeth too. Kira comes back out and sits beside me and Ashton moves over a bit for space. "Good morning, we got you guys Monster and food." I say whilst tucking her hair behind her ear. "I seriously need Monster, I'm so tired." Kira yawns. Toby erupts with laughter causing everyone to look at him, "Tumblr post." He clears his throat. "Ooh, let me see then." Morgan taunts, raising an eyebrow. "No. You won't get it." He looks down, Morgan coughs distinctively and mutters something under his breath that I didn't quite get. Caitlin locks eyes with me from the bathroom and raises her eyebrows as a signal of some sort. "So, uh, Kira." I stutter, fuck. "Yeah?" She seemed puzzled. FUCK. "I was wondering, seeing as we have hours until we reach California, if you wanted to make a rainbow cake with me? Just a fun thing to do to pass the time." I look away, oh man I'm so awkward, she's going to say no. Ugh. She giggles, oh my goodness that was cute, "Of course, man, that sounds pretty fun!" Fuck yes "Yay! So should we start now?" She nods then says "Sure, I need to change first though." I haven't smiled so much in ages. And this warm feeling in my chest makes me happier, I don't know what it is but I like it.

5sos and tr33s tour
Fanfictioncute smol band is brought to life thanks to 5sos, and their new life as an adventure begins and sO MUCH TO COME!!!!!