Off the edge

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Ares p.o.v:

Zeus hadn't wanted anyone to hear of their plan, mainly because it was against the ancient rules, but also because it was plain stupid.

I would most definitely tell no one, because with the plan that I was brewing in the back of my head, I could take out the Big three for always.

"I will rule heaven, hell.... and everything in between!" I said loudly in my temple on Olympus.


Artemis p.o.v:

I lay on my back when I woke up on the shore of the Styx. I remembered what happened and I looked around for Perseus. I stood up, but even after doing so I couldn't see him.

"It can't be!" I said loudly.

"What can't be?" A woman's voice said behind me.


Percy p.o.v:

The pain was unbearable. It felt as if every single nerve in my body got burned. Which meant that the pain was so much that I couldn't feel anything anymore.

My body started dissolving. My time was over.

"Your time is not yet, young Perseus." A feminine voice said.

Suddenly, I was standing in a white room. A woman with a very long white dress was standing in front of me. Her dress filled the floor of the room, it curled around my feet.

"I will grant you my curse once more, but everything comes with a price, Perseus." The woman, whom I assumed was Lady Styx, said.

"But this time, I will make an exception." Lady Styx said.

"I am very greatful, but why? Why does this come without a price, Lady Styx?" I said as I bowed.

Lady Styx blinked away some tears. "Because you have payed more than enough in your life. Now go, Lady Artemis is waiting for you. And remember me Perseus, remember what I did for you." She said as everything got dark.

I woke up on the shore of the Styx. Artemis was leaned over me.

"Finally! I thought you had died!" Artemis said as she, well it looked like she was wiping away a tear.

"How are you even alive? Did you get the curse again?" Artemis said as she stood up.

I followed suit, "I don't know how I am alive! Yes, I did!" I said as I remembered something really important.

"I didn't focus on my weak spot! I don't know where it is!" I said as I started freaking out.

"Calm down! Forget about it! It's not important now!" Artemis said as she started walking again.

"Do you really think so?" I said surprised, "I never thought of you as stupid!" I yelled.

"You dare!" Artemis said as she turned around and punched me in the face.

My face didn't move, instead I heard, and felt, Artemis' bones breaking. I really regret saying that to a man-hating goddess.

"Lady Artemis, I'm sorry! It's just so unnerving to not know my weak point!" I said as I stepped in front of Artemis, who had turned away in an attempt to keep her pain hidden.

"Perseus, please drop the subject, before I do something really stupid!" She said the last word with a growl.

"Okay, okay lets keep moving." I said as I stretched out my arm in front of me, indicating Artemis to go first.

After we walked for approximately an hour I asked Artemis how her hand was doing.

"It's fine just...... shut the hell up, okay?" She said, I had the feeling that she was slowly losing her temper.

"Okay! Fine, I was just trying to break the ice." I said as I put my hands in the air.

"Well... you broke my hand." Artemis said as she held in her laughter.

"I.... I... Arte-" I felt an immense pain in my stomach, and suddenly I was back in the torture room. Oceanus standing over me with a sword imbedded in me.

"Perseus? Are you alright?" Artemis said as she knelt down next to me.

"Please Oceanus, we can come to terms. Just leave me alone!" I said, somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that it was just a memory.

"Perseus! It's all in your mind, it's not real snap out of it!" She said as she grabbed my shoulders and shook me back and forth.

Slowly the corners of my eyes were becoming black, the darkness was closing in on me. I got the feeling that I was drowning. I wasn't able to breath anymore.

Artemis tried to get me back to the real world, but with no avail. I fell unconscious in her arms.

"Hahahahahaha!" Came the maniacal laugh from the one and only Kronos.

"You foolish mortal! I won't rest until I have slaughtered you and everyone you care about! For I am eternal. I am the titan lord of time. I am your end, Perseus!" The voice was painful, like nails scratching a chalk board but then multiplied by 10.

Slowly I woke up, something heavy rested on my chest. I feared that it would be what I thought it was. Artemis' head slowly rose off my chest.

"B-b-but you were dead!" She exclaimed, "you weren't breathing for the last two hours, or so."

"Excuse me." She said as she took her hands of my chest. She checked my pulse with her fingers.

"Everything seems normal. Has this happened before?" She asked.

"No, let's get moving." I said as is stood up. Everything that Kronos had said was still fresh in my mind, which didn't put me in a good mood. In fact it reverted me to the emotionless person I had been for the last 7 years.

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