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For the first time ever, on the home screen of the wattpad app, have I encountered one of my own stories. Namely, this one. I had the biggest smile on my face :D
This wouldn't have happened if not for you! So thank you all for reading my story, even though I update WAYYY too slowly.
On with the story!

Artemis p.o.v:

I looked over at Perseus, he was unconscious. I looked to my right where Zoë lay, she had lost consciousness too. I felt like I was going to follow them soon, I tried to sit up. To no avail, I quickly fell back down.

"Are you okay?" Ares' voice came.

"I've been better." I grunted.

"Here," Ares handed me some ambrosia, "take this."

I munched on the godly food, instantly feeling better. After a few minutes of silence, I stood up. My powers had finally returned to me, I had to get to my temple and rest.

"I'm taking Zoë with me to my temple, one of you take Perseus and the other tells the Olympians." I demanded.

I noticed that the two males reacted weirdly when I mentioned the Olympians, Nico quickly looked at Ares and the god of war had a smug look on his face. I ignored it and picked up Zoë. Nico moved over to Perseus.

"Watch out, he weighs a ton." I warned him and flashed away.

I put Zoë in a bed in one of the many chambers in my temple, I flashed into my bedroom and crashed down on my bed.


Nico p.o.v:

I went to pick up Percy, so I could shadow travel to camp. Before I could, Artemis warned me that he was heavy. How heavy could he be?

After barely getting him off the ground, I walked into Ares' shadow. Ares went from laughing to shocked real quick. I heard him curse as I stepped into the familiar surroundings known as shadows. After half a second I found myself standing in someone's food on a dining table, Percy was so heavy I had to focus on not letting him fall.

"Aw, really! C'mon dude!" Leo said as he looked up in despair.

"Shut up and take Percy, so that I can get out of your food." I said harshly.

"Holy Hera! THAT'S PERCY!" The idiot yelled, effectively bringing the attention to us.

"He's heavy watch out!" I said as I carefully handed him over bridal style.

"HOLY UGHHH!" Leo exclaimed as he tried to stay standing with Percy in his hands.

I hopped off the table, we were surrounded by 20 or so demigods, who heard Leo. One of them was Thalia, she pushed a girl to the side as she hurried forward. Thalia grabbed Percy's face as a tear escaped her eyes. She stroked the scar on his face. She looked at me, her eyes showing sadness and relief.

"Where was he? Where is Artemis?" She asked me.

I walked up to her and spoke in her ear, "Tartarus, Artemis is in her Temple on Olympus."

She surprised by crushing me in a hug. She quickly let go, realizing that everyone was looking at us.

"Guys, help me out here!" Leo pleaded as he struggled under Percy's weight.

I quickly helped him, I lifted Percy from under his arms and Leo held his feet. I looked around, but couldn't find any of the Seven apart from Leo.

"Where's the rest?" I asked Leo.

"Jason, Piper, and Reyna left for Camp Jupiter. Hazel and Frank are already there." Leo answered.

Tortured: Percy Jackson's story (Betrayal)Where stories live. Discover now