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Ares p.o.v:
I caught up with the big three as they were almost at the secret entrance to Tartarus. They couldn't sense me, because the power from Tartarus was overwhelming them.

I knew what I had to do. If the big three were to disappear and let me save Percy and Artemis, I would have a bigger chance of Percy choosing my side.

"FATHER! Help me, I have been attacked by Hades minions!" I said as I materialized a sword that went through my stomach.

Zeus heard me and turned around. He rushed over.

"HADES! How dare you!" He said as he knelt down by my side.

"Father, his minions surprised me." I said, to make matters worse I spit up golden ichor.

"This means war!" Zeus said as he stood up, he summoned his Master Bolt.

"Wait! Brothers! Don't do this, don't trust him!" Poseidon said, but Zeus didn't listen.

The almighty god threw his Master Bolt at Poseidon, it hit him on his chest. Sparks flew from the place of impact.

Zeus' Master Bolt returned to his hand as he faced Hades, who had put on his Helm of darkness.

"You dare accuse me of something that I didn't do!" Hades said, I could feel the power rolling off of him.

Hades obviously had the upper hand, as he was in his realm. But the battle was quite even when it started.

Zeus and Hades clashed, an immense blow of power stirred up the dust. They continued to clash back and forth for over 10 minutes. The battle was coming to an end, as both gods became tired.

Hades held a sword at Zeus' chest, while Zeus held his Master Bolt aimed at his brother's heart. Their armours were broken, they were bleeding golden ichor at multiple places.

Poseidon walked over to his brothers. "Don't do it! It's not worth it." He tried to calm them down.

But his brothers had other plans, as Hades pushed his gleaming sword, which was a mixture of celestial bronze and Stygian iron, into his brother's chest Zeus struck a bolt straight through Hades' heart. Golden ichor splattered on the ground.

They both dropped to the ground, dead. They would reform, but that would take a long time. The only one left was Poseidon.

He dropped to his knees in front of his brothers. He looked at them with shock written all over his face.

I silently stood up. The sword disappeared, a new more deadlier one materialized in my hand. I snuck up behind the sea god.

"Don't worry. Your son will be safe on my side!" I said as I stabbed him through his heart.

He fell forward, in between his brothers. Finally I was ready.

"FINALLY! THE WAR CAN START!" I bellowed as I threw my head backwards and started laughing, a maniacal eerie roar escaped my mouth as I started walking towards the entrance to Tartarus.
Percy p.o.v:
"Go ahead, finish him off. Lets what happens when you kill him three times." Artemis said as she looked at me.

"That doesn't work! It's a myth after all!" Hyperion said.

I stabbed the knife through Hyperion's heart. I watched as the light slowly disappeared from his, quite literally. His eyes had turned black.

I hadn't noticed it, but I was still holding the knife, which was lighting up. The light slowly sunk into my skin.

Suddenly, my eyes turned white. They shined brightly, I felt myself grow stronger. I looked at my hands, out of nowhere Hyperion's spear appeared in them.

Hyperion's body moved slightly and a few seconds later it dissolved into black smoke.

"What the Hades was that?" Artemis asked as she stood up.

"I think that I just took over Hyperion's powers!" I answered.

"Is that good or bad?" She asked.

"I don't know, I don't care!" I answered, I was panicking a little.

"Just calm down. Nobody is allowed to know what happened here!" Artemis said as she grabbed me by the shoulders.

I looked into her silver irises, they shone brightly. As if she wasn't affected by Tartarus, but I knew how it was like to hide your true feelings. I was an expert in hiding my feelings. So, I could see that she was trying her best to do so.

"Okay, I get it. I'm calm" I said.

Artemis awkwardly took off her hands from my shoulders. She started walking towards the exit of the cave.

"You coming or what?" She said over her shoulder.

"Yeah, but I have a question." I answered as I followed Artemis.

"What?" She said.

"How are we supposed to get out of here?" I asked.

"I don't know! But, I have this weird feeling. Also, I dreamt about it. And as you know gods don't usually dream." She answered, she looked at me as I walked next to her.

"How long until we arrive at our destination?" I asked.

"I thought that you had only one question." Artemis said with a smirk on her face.

"Okay, I'll shut up!" I said, I knew that she was trying to light up the mood but I wasn't up for it.

We were walking in a red desert, now and then we would walk past a red boulder. I was trying to figure out what new powers I had gotten, when suddenly one of the boulders exploded sending shrapnel everywhere.

"WHAT THE HADES!" I yelled.

Inside the boulder had been a monster, I had never seen anything like it. It had four immensely muscled arms, two massive legs and a mutated wolf head. It must have been at least 9 feet.

"What is that thing?" I asked Artemis.

"I have no idea! I guess that this is the only mythical beast that hasn't crossed my path." Artemis answered.

"Can you lend me one of your knives?" I said.
Artemis p.o.v:

  "Can you lend me one of your knives?" Percy asked.

"No. You sit this one out. I need to get this one on my own." I answered before I charged the beast.

"Well, you--- AAAAAH!" Percy was trying to say something, but he got interrupted by something.

I wasn't able to turn around because I was busy with the unknown monster. I dodged the first two fists, but the third one hit me hard on my chin.

It looked slow, but it was incredibly fast. I tried to break its defense, unfortunately I wasn't able to.

When I stepped back the monster didn't advance. I had a feeling that it was waiting on something.

It looked behind and I took my chance, I threw one knife. It imbedded in the beast's neck. It seemed unfazed by the knife.

The monster turned to face me. I ran towards it, I dodged the first blow. Then ducked under two left fists,  I stabbed my knife in the beast's ribs.

It fell to the ground, its fur was soaked with blood. It wasn't the hit in the ribs that took it down, it had lost so much blood that it was already weakened.

The monster was slowly crawling away, I walked over and pulled out my knife.

"A..ahhvvennge.." The monster growled.

I didn't know if the knife caused the talking problem or maybe it couldn't talk at all. I was happy that I beat the thing, because it was definitely a strong opponent.

Then I remembered Percy, I turned around. Percy was nowhere to be seen, instead there stood 6 more of those monsters. How was I supposed to beat them, when it was almost impossible to beat one of them.

Tortured: Percy Jackson's story (Betrayal)Where stories live. Discover now