Mystery Man

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------ 2 weeks later -----

Location: Fenner lake, Alaska

Percy p.o.v:

I was sitting at the foot of the lake, Riptide lay uncapped to my right. The small home, it was more of a cabin, stood behind me.

During the past few weeks I had discovered a few new powers of mine. I had exhausted myself during the strict training schedule that I had made.

Teleporting was now a sixth sense to me, in under a second I could travel to 3 places. They would be near me, as long as I could see it. If I had to teleport to a further location it took me 5 seconds to do it. Even so, 3 far away places in 5 seconds is excellent.

The best part of teleporting, there is no sound or light. I could appear behind someone without them noticing. I literally appear out of thin air.

Super strength was also a handy power. I'm talking really super, I remember punching a Titan so hard that he broke the speed barrier. It's a bit vague, almost as if I have an auto-pilot switch.

I could lift 5 trees and not feel anything, was this what gods and titans felt? I didn't know.

"Time to train!" I said and stood up.

I grabbed the bow and a quiver of arrows, all of them I had made myself. I decided that I wanted to be perfect at any and all weapons that I wielded.

It would also be handy with teleporting. I could shoot an arrow and by the time it hit the target I would already be on a different position.

That's why I started training with throwing knives, I was pretty sure that I could overpower most of my attackers. But it wouldn't be a sin to be prepared for that small percentage that might be stronger than me.

------------8 days later-----------------
Location: Adak island, Alaska

Artemis p.o.v:

Thalia's blue eyes looked at me for the umpteenth time. She knew something was going on, but she didn't ask because she knew I would tell her everything she needed to know. Be that as it may, she reached her limit and joined my side. We were walking back to the boat that we had 'bought'.

"I think I know what happened." She said.

"Do you?" I teased.

"Yes. I remember seeing that towel in Percy's shower. With the gold specks in it. It might be a long reach but..." Thalia dragged on.

"But?" I knew what she was trying, she was trying to catch me off guard and then look at my expression when she finished her sentence.

"Percy can flash like you!" Thalia said, my expression stayed the same.

"Oh? Well I guess not then." Thalia said as she looked at me intently.

"I know your small tricks Thalia, did you really think that I don't know you that well? But you are right. Please inform Athena, Aphrodite, Zoë and Atalanta." I said with a small grin on my face.

"Will do!" She smiled.

After nearly an hour of walking we finally reached the boat. I waited until everyone was on board and followed.

"Atalanta! Set sail for Semisopochnoi Island!" I called out.

"The rest of you! Gather around!"

After everybody quickly formed half a circle in front of me I informed them about the latest developments in our hunt.

"This is something we cannot leak out, Aphrodite!" I said as I looked at her.

"Don't worry!" She sighed.

"After inspecting Perseus' room in Camp Half-Blood, we found a towel stained with blood. Well, it was dripping actually." I looked at the faces in front of me.

Some looked at me disgusted, others were less affected. Athena had a frown on her face and Aphrodite looked sick.

"What happened?" Athena asked.

"His wounds probably reopened with the water." I said. "But that's not all, the blood had golden specks in it."

A few gasps sounded around me. Athena's face was stoic and she turned around and walked to the railing of the ship.

"That means he can probably flash around like gods do, that's why we haven't found any tracks of him." I said and I followed Athena to the railing.

"Meeting dispersed!" I called out.

"Wow, so he's becoming a god now. That makes him even more valuable to us." Athena said right away.

"Yeah, that also reminds me of something," I said as I faced Athena, "is Nico on our side?"

Athena looked at me confusion a clear feature on her face, "I don't know, haven't really been able to figure it out," Athena looked at me, "apart from the fact that he was about to torture me!"

She turned away and disappeared below deck. I didn't know that question was a trigger point for her. I looked around me, the hunt was small. It was at its smallest since, I can't even remember when. But the girls seemed happy, they hadn't been on a hunt this exciting in centuries.

Some hunters had become so good, that most hunts were unbelievably boring. Again I was reminded of how Perseus could evade me and my hunt. A hunt so good that it had never failed before in its thousands of years.

------ 2 weeks later -----
Location: Semisopochnoi Island

We had reached our destination, but so far we hadn't found anything. We were on our way to the lake, Fenner lake. As we closed in a small cabin became apparent. On further investigation a figure appeared to be standing on the roof, but a split second later he wasn't there.

"Uhh- is it just me or was someone standing on the ro-" an arrow slammed into the ground in front of my feet, missing me by a few inches at most.

The shot had been taken from at least 200 feet, there was a strong wind coming from my right and the sun was shining brightly from behind me. For someone to shoot an arrow with this precision, I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that it might be Perseus. This Mystery Man was someone to watch out for.

"It is definitely not just you. On your guards!" Thalia yelled out.

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