Truth Hurts

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Artemis p.o.v:

"Can you please stop sneaking up on me like that?" I said, Perseus didn't seem to care.

"Can you please stop sneaking into my tent?" He said.

"It's not what it looks like!" Zoë intervened.

"Okay, I'll hear you out. Just because of that cliche line." He sarcastically said.

"We were worried about you! You seemed to be, well you know, in a dark place." I explained as I stepped closer to him.

"First of all, since when do you care? If you haven't noticed, I am what one would define as a male. Also known as your biggest point of focused hate." Perseus ranted, "Second of all, I have been in a dark place for the last century! Do you realize that one does not just walk away from something like that? I tried to show my better side, to not darken the mood around me." He continued whilst raising his voice.

"Perseus, calm down. Please." I pleaded with him.

"PLEASE? I'VE BEEN CALM SINCE I HAVE MET YOU IN THAT CELL!" Perseus exploded in anger. His eyes shone brightly, a white light took over, just like the time in Tartarus.

"Perseus, that's a goddess-" Zoë tried, but Perseus interrupted her. His voice deep and low, almost like it was thousands of years old.

"And I am her superior, and yours. I am a god, I am a Titan. And I am your king!" The light continued to shine, this time his voice was ominously calm.

"Perseus, we were worried about you! That's not a lie! And we were wrong for sneaking into your tent. But you need to calm down." I said as I took another step towards him. He was now within reach.

"Calmer than this? I am very calm right now." He said in that deep voice.

"No, you're not." I put my hand on his right arm. "You're still angry, Percy." (A/N First time she calls him Percy.)

His eyes slowly dimmed and returned to their normal state, or as normal as the eyes of a broken man could get.

"That was unasked for, I'm sorry. Now, your turn." He said quickly.

"We're sorry, but just know that you can always come to me if you want to talk." I said.

"Perhaps someday in the future." Perseus said, within the blink of an eye he had disappeared. His teleportation was becoming more of an irritation every time he used it.


The night passed quickly and silently, I awoke at sunrise and woke up the rest of the hunt. Perseus' turn was last, but when I rung the small bell at his door and walked in I was surprised to find him awake and sitting at his desk.

Even more surprising was that Nico was sitting opposite of him. Dressed in all black, of course. They seemed to be disagreeing on something.

"You can't allow him to do that, Nico." Nico stood up and leaned over Perseus' desk.

"I can't even stop hallucinating killing people and then dying myself. I'm trying to make it out alive without going toe to toe with a powered up Ares." Nico said, a dark aura formed around him. As thick as smoke, it seemed to have a life of its own as it got scarily close to Perseus' face.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Worry was prominent in Perseus' voice.

"I touched that chain, Ares tricked me."

"I touched it too, why am I not affected?" Perseus questioned.

"Because Ares you used it for you." I said and both men instantly turned around.

"What do you mean?" They said in sync and glanced at each other.

"Ares used it for you. It won't affect him nor you. But anyone else will eventually end up dead." I explained.

"What? Like poison?" Perseus asked as he stood up from behind his desk.

"No, suicide. Or that's what the stories say at least."

"Oh, that's not good. Are you still holding on?" Perseus turned to Nico.

"I'm fine." He replied as he took two paces back.

"Do you know how he got the chain?" Perseus asked Nico.

"I know." I answered for him.

"Well, please do tell." Nico said.

"He had to sacrifice someone close to you to be able to use the chain," I said. "That's why we think that he is the one that killed Annabeth." I watched as Perseus froze up.

A few long seconds later Perseus regained his ability to talk. "What? Wh- did- wh-" He stammered.

Nico looked at me with widened eyes, Perseus hadn't known that Annabeth was dead. "Percy? Are you okay?" It was Nico's turn to be worried.

The biggest surprise of the day was Perseus' response. "I'm fine, is there any proof that he did it?" His face hardened.

"You recovered quickly. Are you sure that you don't want to take some more time." I worried.

"I'm fine." He said as his eyes slowly started to glow white. "Is there any proof?" He asked, he seemed to talk normally but yet his voice was loud enough for anyone in a hundred-meter radius to hear.

Nico and I stepped back in shock. I answered quickly to prevent any accidents from happening.

"I'm afraid not, she was found in Detroit. A sword had entered through her back and came out from her abdomen. She never saw it coming. The coward didn't even face her!" I got worked up as well.

Perseus, however, seemed to calm down a little. His eyes went back to normal and he sat down in his chair.

"No proof. Then it could've been someone else. I can't judge someone without proof!" He slammed his fist down on the wooden desk.

"You don't believe me?" I was insulted.

"Unlike the gods, I don't kill someone without proof!" He yelled referring to his own judgment day.

"Or maybe you don't want to."

"Oh believe me! I promise to rip out the heart of whoever did this!" He said as his eyes beamed, the white light lit up the whole room.

Nico and I covered our eyes, when the light subsided I caught a glimpse of Perseus walking out of the door next to me.

"So, should I follow him?" I asked Nico.

"How could you blurt that out like that?" He ignored my question.

"I didn't know! How was I supposed to know."

"I guess you never were the caring type." Nico said before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke.

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Peace out!

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