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The picture of Goku is just how he 'flies'.

Percy p.o.v:
I sat down slowly making sure that I didn't drop Artemis. I crossed my feet and concentrated. It was impossible to concentrate, because the spikes were hurting so much.

But I had to, I breathed slowly and closed my eyes. I emptied my mind and I started thinking of my power. Slowly but surely I could feel the area around me becoming more dense. The power was literally rolling off of me.

But it wasn't enough. I concentrated harder, I focused on my new powers. I was now the Titan of light, I used all the power I had in me, maybe it was because I had fought the god of death and I was worn out, but I felt like I wasn't really using all of my power.

I slowed down my breathing and I relaxed. Suddenly, the power that was inside me released. I had never felt this powerful.

The art of levitating can only be achieved if there is so much power that you get pushed up from the ground. As if even the earth can't hold you anymore.

I opened my eyes, what I saw shook me to my bones. I was levitating above the ground, but that wasn't all. I could see for miles, as if there was a sun in Tartarus, but I knew it was from my powers. It should've been dark, but to me it wasn't. To me it felt like there was light everywhere, there were no shadows. Nowhere.

Artemis p.o.v:
I opened my eyes as the area around me had changed strongly. As if I had been thrown into water. I looked up, what I saw was the most incredible sight my eyes had ever looked at.

Perseus' face was stern, his jaw was tense. He looked slightly angry, but also calm. His eyes were shining white, there was no iris, no pupil, nothing. Just a white light shining. His hair was slowly and softly bouncing up and down, as if there was a soft breeze coming from beneath.

I looked down and almost fell down, for we where flying, no not flying but more like levitating. Suddenly something beneath me moved, I figured that it had been Percy's legs. He was now carrying me bridal style again.

Suddenly, we started moving forward. Perseus leaned forward, he stretched one leg behind him and brought his left knee up.

 Perseus leaned forward, he stretched one leg behind him and brought his left knee up

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First we moved at a slow pace, just like a person jogging. But after a while Perseus leaned forward even more and we moved at an incredible speed. We moved as fast as a small plane, if not faster. And still Perseus face remained unchanging.

After a while he looked at me, I don't think he intended to do it but I felt intimidated. He looked so imposing and powerful, but it all went away when he showed his troublemaker smile.

An hour or so passed when Perseus finally landed. I quickly got to my feet, and realized that they felt weird so I sat down. That's when I remembered the spikes, but they weren't there. So I looked around but I couldn't see much. Apart from the glow that came from Perseus who was standing over me there was no light.

Suddenly, Perseus lights went out, literally and figuratively speaking. The lights in his eyes died out and he collapsed on his knees, I tried to catch him but I was too late. He fell sideways, he must've been drained.

He fought Thanatos, then he carried me for hours. I wasn't sleeping the whole time and I knew how much his feet were hurting. And lastly he used all of his powers to levitate and get us out of the spike desert alive.

Levitating had almost become a legend, or well it was until I saw Perseus doing it. Even Zeus, the king of the gods, can't do it. Or not for very long. He uses his power over air to fly. He would never be able to levitate like Perseus did.

I remembered how my father wanted me to bring Perseus to Olympus, so that he could apologize for what he had done, and what his son had done. No, not Jason.

Perseus was wrongly punished, I still remembered that day. There was an emergency meeting on Olympus, to decide what the fate of a killer should be. I hadn't known that it was Perseus.

"Perseus Jackson, please step forward." Zeus said.

All The gods were inside the throne room. The most important demigods were there too, including the seven.

"Your punishment has been decided, you will be executed for murdering an innocent demigod." Zeus declared.

Perseus' face didn't change, he looked angry and sad. His 'friends' stood behind him but they didn't have his back.

He slowly pulled out a pen, his sword Anaklusmos, and uncapped it. A small smile appeared on his face.

He turned around and faced the demigods, a total of 25 demigods.

"Step aside or you'll get hurt!" He said, it was the only thing he said that day.

Some demigods moved aside, but most stood their ground. They all stood in a fighting positions.

Suddenly, Perseus charged at them. I had never seen anyone use a sword as Perseus did. It was all a blur. He quIckly disarmed most of the demigods, only Jason, Nico and Annabeth were left.

He looked at them, they seemed to shiver when he glared at them. They looked around them and saw that they were the only ones left with a weapon in their hands. So they dropped them.

Perseus walked through the crowd of demigods. Until one of the demigods grabbed his left shoulder and tugged at it. The son of Zeus tried to punch Perseus, but he was too slow.

Perseus ducked under the punch and came up with a devastating uppercut. The demigod was lifted of his feet and fell down, knocked out with one punch.

Zeus later declared that the name of his son should be forgotten, and was not to be spoken of.

"Ares stop that murderer! You too Artemis." Zeus demanded, I thought that Ares would've been enough.

Also, I thought that he had actually committed the murder, I had been badly informed. Nobody had showed me any proof, so I just had to believe it.

What no one was expecting was that Perseus would defeat Ares. Ares flashed in front of Perseus and stood there threateningly.

Perseus put away his sword and charged at Ares. Ares was skilled, but so was Perseus. They exchanged blows, but the way that Perseus finished Ares was incredible.

He stepped back just as Ares threw a punch. Perseus grabbed his arm and pulled it. Ares stumbled past Perseus, he quickly turned to face him but he was too late.

Perseus delivered an unstoppable roundhouse kick to Ares face. The force from the kick was so strong that when Ares hit the ground it fractured.

When Ares got up Perseus had already left. Zeus sent me, Apollo and Athena to get him. But when we found him he stood on the edge of Olympus, he glared at us and jumped.

We hurried to the edge and looked over it. But Perseus was nowhere to be seen. That was the last that we had seen of Perseus.

Hope you enjoyed!

By the way, this meant that it was a flashback/memory


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