A Death in The Family?

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Artemis p.o.v:

I watched as Atalanta fell backwards, the dust rising from the ground beneath her. I cut down the two hell hounds in front of me and took off. Halfway there a bright flash blinded everyone, robbed of my eyesight I stopped. The light remained for a few seconds before it slowly faded.

The remaining monsters were now nothing but golden dust floating in the wind, Perseus standing amidst the chaos. He looked at Atalanta and launched with his incredible speed towards her. The gust of wind behind him stirred up a mixture of monster dust and normal dust.

My eyes were unable to follow him, I only caught up to him once he had already arrived by the fatally wounded hunter.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no." I heard Perseus panic as I reached the horrible scene.

I dropped to my knees next to her, "Atalanta! Talk to me! Atalanta!"

The blood flowed quickly from the massive stab wound, her eyes were open but they were not present. I grabbed her face and looked in her eyes, she was on the edge of dying.

"Give me water! Somebody give me water!" Perseus called next to me. "Hold this! Put it on the wound."

He handed me his shirt and I quickly put it on the wound, Atalanta groaned as I applied pressure to the wound.

Thalia grabbed her water bottle and threw it at Perseus, who had already extracted the water midair. The empty bottle fell down and the water floated onto my hands and the shirt.

"Does anyone have ambrosia? Or nectar? Anyone?" Perseus seemed to be the only one still able to think.

The hunters had gathered around us, most of them knew that Atalanta was a lost hope. And I too had never seen anybody live from a wound like this, except for Perseus. And sadly Atalanta was no Perseus.

"AMBROSIA OR NECTAR! HURRY UP!" He yelled loudly.

The hunters unfroze from their shock and handed him ambrosia and a bottle of nectar.

"She's mortal, be careful with that." I reminded him.

He looked at me and grabbed a chunk of ambrosia big enough for a god. He put it in Atalanta's mouth and poured the whole bottle of nectar on the wound.

"Perseus! She's mortal!" I yelled.

He ignored me and pushed my hands away from the wound. He tossed the shirt to the side and ripped open Atalanta's silver parka, revealing the horrifying wound in her abdomen.

The blood flowed quickly again. Perseus put both his hands on the wound and the nectar mixed with water glowed faintly with a blue light.

"Come on! Keep her awake!" He directed.

But as soon as I grabbed her face, Atalanta stopped breathing. Her body relaxing and the last ragged breath left her body. I let go of her face and fell back hopeless.

"No, no, no, no!" Perseus eyes flooded with tears.

He grabbed her face and opened her eyes, but the lifeless look that Perseus received told him enough.

He rested his forehead on her forehead in defeat. But it didn't last long.

Perseus put his hands on the wound again and he set to work. He was sweating from the effort, his hair was wet and his face was as well.

"Come on!" He whispered.

But if the wound hadn't killed her, then the extensive amounts of nectar and ambrosia surely would have.

"It's over Perseus. She's gone." I whispered.

He ignored me and kept trying. I put my hand on his shoulder and tried again, "Perseus, it's over. She's gone."

He looked up at me, this time his eyes shining with that scary white light, "It's never over!" He replied.

His arms and hands shone in the same white glow as his eyes. The light slowly transferred to the wound. Which to everyone's surprise was closing, we could see the wound healing both from the inside and from the outside.

I hadn't noticed at first, but now I could clearly see that Perseus was bleeding out at an alarming rate. The stab wound in his left pectoral by Iapetus wasn't healing.

"Whatever you're doing, it's working Perseus." Thalia joined in.

The wound had now closed completely, Perseus' hands were shaking slightly. He let go of her abdomen and grabbed Atalanta's face.

"Give me more water." He said calmly.

Thalia handed him another bottle. Which he opened and poured into Atalanta's mouth, he also poured a bit of the water in her nose.

"What are you doing?" Zoë asked.

But Perseus was too focused to respond. He slowly hovered with his hand above her neck and he moved downwards over her chest, Perseus hand stayed above Atalanta's ribcage.

His hand slowly moved back up again, the water that had gone in was coming back out. However, the water was completely red. He had cleaned out the blood from her lungs and other organs.

He tossed his hand to the side and the blood and water followed, splashing on the ground.

"Atalanta!" He called her name as he pushed down on her chest.

"Give her mouth to mouth." He said.

I quickly did so and to everyone's surprise Atalanta woke up instantly.

"What the Hades!" She exclaimed as she saw Perseus and I looming over her.

"Yes!" I yelled as I hugged Atalanta tightly.

I let go of her and looked at Perseus, who seemed extremely tired. I surprised both myself and everyone standing around us when I grabbed onto Perseus tightly and hugged him.

"Thank you!" I sobbed.

"No problem." He said as I let go of him.

He stood up slowly, his chest dripping with his own blood. He seemed wobbly, "I have to leav-" He said as he stumbled and fell forward.

Perseus was able to catch himself with his hands. He stayed on his knees and hands.

"I'm fine, don't worry." He said before he started coughing up blood mixed with golden ichor.

"I'll be right back...." He said before disappearing into thin air.

Another slow update.

But I hope you enjoyed, I promise to write more!

Leave some comments for me to read! I honestly enjoy it, whether it's constructive criticism, something you loved about the story or just a comment of any type really.

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