Impossible or maybe not?

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Location: woods around Mc Carthy village

Artemis p.o.v:

I woke up early in the morning, a few minutes before sunrise. I looked around the tent. Aphrodite was sound asleep. Athena, on the other hand, was sitting on my leather recliner chair.

"Still thinking?" I asked the ever-thinking goddess.

"Yes, I don't think Perseus will join our side." She said.

"Why not? We can figure out something, right?"

"Artemis, we don't have anything to offer. Even if we had something, Ares' deal is too good to decline." Athena was frowning.

"Well, we could always tell him that Ares killed Annabeth." Aphrodite said out of nowhere.

I turned around and looked at her, "What? How do you know?"

"He needed my help with something and I gave him instructions." She said as she yawned.

It took Athena less than 2 seconds to stand up and summon all her armour. Her spear appeared to my left, the tip reflected the light into my left eye for a fraction of a second.

Again I was surprised by Athena's speed, in the fraction of a second that I had been blinded she had stabbed her spear forward, missing Aphrodite's neck by an inch.

Then I realized that Aphrodite had moved out of the way, Athena was aiming to kill.

"You made him kill my daughter!" She said antagonizingly calmly.

Stab now, ask questions later? That couldn't be good. "Wait! Let her explain!" I stepped in between.

Athena's gear disappeared, she was left with a loose satin sleeping dress.

"I did not do anything wrong okay?" A shocked Aphrodite said.

"He was looking for information about that stupid chain, he needed to kill someone close to the person who was going to touch the chain." She explained.

"I didn't tell him to kill her, I didn't know he was going to kill anyone. When I found out, I left." Aphrodite finished.

"Do you have any proof?" Athena asked through clenched teeth.

"Well..... not really." Aphrodite answered.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN! EXPLAIN!" Athena yelled out.

"Ares has the book now. With all the information." Aphrodite said quickly.

A few minutes later Thalia's head popped in. "Everything okay in here?" She asked concernedly.

"Yes yes, we are all fine! Aren't we?" Aphrodite happily said as she stood up and put her arm around Athena's shoulder.

"We were having a small discussion, that's all." Athena huffed.

"Didn't sound so small to me." Thalia muttered and left.

I was left with a grin on my face. Thalia didn't care, she would say what she wanted to.

------ 3 hours later ------
Location: Mc Carthy village

Artemis p.o.v:

After packing up everything we walked to the small village, we divided into small groups and went around asking for Perseus.

Not long after our arrival we found someone who had rented their room to him. I called everyone back and told the lady to wait for everyone before she gave us the information.

"You're sure that his name was Percy?" I triple checked just to be sure.

"Yes, black hair and greenish eyes." She answered.

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