'New' clothes

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Artemis p.o.v:

Perseus was really getting on my nerves. The problem was that he was stronger than me, in Tartarus that is. He was indestructible, and I, I was the most fragile thing in a 100 miles radius.

I hadn't eaten in a while, so the hunger was growing with the second. I'm a goddess and I was hungry, so I didn't know how Perseus hadn't complained about food.

"I thought by now that you would've complained about food and the lack there of." I taunted.

"It's not like you could snap it into life. So complaining about it wouldn't do me anything good." Perseus answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

"How long haven't you eaten?" I asked worriedly and curiously at the same time.

"I don't really know, about 3 weeks?" He estimated.

I was shocked, how he was still alive, I had no clue how. I, as a goddess, didn't need food. Ambrosia and Nectar were more than sufficient.

"How? And please, just tell me the truth." I said slowly.

"You want to know? Okay. The last time, before you were brought into that cell. They gave me some sort of soup. It was disgusting, you wanna know what was in it?" He asked softly

"What was in it?" I asked, my curiosity growing.

"The blood of monsters, there might've been monster flesh in there as well. But that wouldn't suffice. There was an essence in that soup, perhaps from the monsters, or perhaps from one of the titans." He calmly said, his eyes were stone cold.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taunted you." I apologized.

"You know what I realized? If it wasn't for you I would've still been in that godsdamned torture cell. I don't know if I would be able to continue without all of our messing around and taunting. It keeps me angry, on my toes, ready for the next move." He said and he was right, I felt the same.

He stopped next to me and put his hand on my shoulder, we had been walking for hours. Perseus pointed with his other hand to a small building on the horizon. It looked much alike with the building were Perseus and I had been held.

A two story building, with holding cells on the first floor, there were probably rooms on the second floor.

"No titans here, but there are monsters and maybe other things. Don't let your guard down when we are inside. It might seem easy, but you won't see them coming." Perseus warned me.

I didn't know why, Perseus should know that I was no amateur. I wasn't stupid enough to let my guard down.

"Don't worry about it, I know what I'm doing." I said, confidence laced in my words.

We approached the building with caution, Perseus held his sword at his side and I held my knives in my hands. Slowly but surely we were coming closer to the entrance of the prison.

The building consisted out of one material, and it was unknown to me. As if you had made it out of cement, some weird red cement. The door, made out of some type of steel, was relatively big. Perseus slowly and silently pushed it open.

There was very little light inside. The door lead into a hallway, with only one door. Which lead to the holding cells. These cells looked like the ones you'd see in a police station. Only bars, including the doors.

The cells were to dark to see something. We walked side by side, as silently as possible. Suddenly something, or someone, crashed into the metal bars of a holding cell located next to Perseus.

He didn't flinch. He looked at the person, a hybrid between a monster and a human, and continued walking. When the thing crashed into the metal bars I had jumped up a feet or two.

"Aren't we going to save it?" I asked silently.

"Those things aren't worth saving, do not speak anymore. That thing can scream 100x harder than any human being. It's on their side. Please do not speak anymore before it screams." He said coldly.

Perseus slowly opened the door in front of us. There were two doors, one was clearly for the stairs, the other must've held some type of monstrosity because it was twice as heavy-looking as the other doors.

"Stay here, I'll go upstairs it won't take long." Perseus declared. "Don't follow me." He finished.

Who did he think that he was? I wasn't going to let anyone order me, a goddess, around like that. But I nodded.

"Fine." I said, but I had very different plans.

Perseus slowly opened the door and indeed, the stairs spiraled upwards. I waited for him to disappear up the stairs and followed.

As I reached the first step, a familiar voice called out. I didn't believe what I was hearing, nonetheless who.

"Please... help me." The feminine voice said softly.

"Zoë? No way! This is not possible." I said as I slowly walked over to the massive metal door.

"Is there someone? Please help!" The voice rang out again, with a little bit of hope this time.

There was no other way, that voice belonged to my old lieutenant, I was dumbstruck. I ran over to the door. And looked between the bars that formed a small window in it.

"Zoë? I'll get you out, where are you?" I said.

"Lady Artemis how has thou found me?" She said as realization struck her.

I didn't reply, instead I tried to open the door. To no avail, it didn't budge. Without the key it wouldn't open. Suddenly, Zoë's voice rang out.

"Lady Artemis, leave this wretched building, before they come!"

"Who? Who is coming?" My response a quick one.

"I do not know, I have never seen them before. But, they can hurt you. Like ghosts!" Zoë said, her voice wavering.

"I'll be back as soon as possible, I'm getting Perseus." I quickly said as I turned around and took off.

"Perseus?" Zoë questioned loudly.

But I was already up the stairs. Despite the eerie silence from behind the door up stairs, I would only find chaos.

Right in front of me Perseus held his sword at some human's, a demigod perhaps, neck. I made sure to be as silent as possible, so Perseus had not yet discovered me.

"Please! Don't kill me!" The man pleaded on the floor.

Perseus looked at him and scoffed. "See this as mercy, you don't deserve to die! You deserved to be cut to pieces!" And with that he cut off the man's head.

I had never thought that Perseus would be able to do such thing to a human or demigod. But Perseus had changed, he was a different person.

The man's body fell to the ground with a soft thud and the head rolled around a little before it came to a stop, its eyes still full of shock as it looked at me.

Perseus walked further, everywhere I looked, to the left and right and in the middle too, bodies littered the ground. Yet, there had been no sounds of a struggle.

As if the heads had gotten severed from the bodies by the owners of those same bodies. Perseus continued on, until he reached one man who was wearing chest armor. Perseus took the armor and put it on.

He walked a bit further and found another man, who looked about as big as Perseus. This man too had no head, and not so long after he had no pants either.

"I want to change, would you turn around?" He said suddenly, somehow I found myself blushing.

Thanks for reading!

I hope you enjoyed!

What do you think of Zoë? Let me know!




Peace out ✌🏼

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