Just another day in Tartarus

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Artemis p.o.v:
Perseus hadn't spoken, not even a single word, which is very odd. He looked..... broken. I couldn't imagine what he must've been through.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked.

"Yes." He answered.

"Are you sure?" I continued.

"Yes. Now please just stop asking me questions!" He said, barely containing his anger.

"You are speaking to a goddess! Watch your tone!" I said angrily.

"And you Ms goddess, are speaking to a guy who has been down in Tartarus for gods know- no scratch that! The gods don't know for how long I've been down here. You were all to busy doing nothing, NOTHING AT ALL!" He said as he stepped closer, our angry faces were only a few inches separated.

He turned around and continued walking. Perseus had changed, he went from the most loyal and kind soul that I had ever known to an angry and traumatized man. Maybe he was right, the gods had been doing nothing while he was down here, while he was getting tortured.

"Okay, maybe you're ri-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because Perseus interrupted me.

"Ssshht!" He looked at me.

"Don't you hear that?" He asked

"Hear what? I can't hear anything!" I said.

Suddenly, he grabbed me and pushed me down just as an arrow flew past me and imbedded itself in Perseus' shoulder.

"Aaah!" He exclaimed, he fell down and grabbed his shoulder.

"I'll have to pull it out!" I said hurriedly, the arrow was probably going to be followed by a lot more.

"It's poisoned, quick!" He braced himself as I pulled out the arrow. He let out a muffled scream.

We got to our feet and quickly took off. I looked around, but I could not locate where the arrow had been shot from. Until, a cloaked figure appeared behind a rock. The bow in his hands was aimed at me.

"MOVE!" Perseus yelled.

"I am moving!" I yelled back.

There was an entrance of a cave in front of us, it was huge. I followed Perseus inside.

"He won't be able to find us here." He said as he calmed down.

After a long silent wait Perseus spoke up again. "Is it just me or is this cave very well lit?" He asked.

"It's definitely just you, I can't see a thing!" I said, how he was able to see so clearly I had no idea.

"I can see everything, as if the sun is shining in here." He said.

We sat down in silence for a few minutes. Until Perseus started speaking again.

"Wow! Holy Hera!" He sounded surprised.

"What?" I asked.

"Now I can't see a thing either, it's as if I have a switch in my head or something because I'm pretty sure that just a few seconds ago I could see everything clearly."

"Okay, that's weird." I said as I looked at Perseus, or at least where I thought I had heard his voice come from.


"Are you okay?" I asked Perseus.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Came his answer.

I had a feeling that I knew what was happening to him, so I decided to tell him.

"How many times have you killed Hyperion?" I looked at the faint figure of his body, he was slumped against a wall.

"Two times in total, why?" He asked as he turned his head.

"There is this legend, it is said that whoever kills a Titan 3 times gets a bit of their power. That's why you are suddenly able to see so good in the dark. But, it's never ever happened before." I said as I walked over to where he was and sat down.

"But, I killed him twice." He said as he looked up at me.

"Yes I know, I'm still figuring it out." I said as I leaned my head against the wall.

Before I even knew it I had fallen asleep, only to be awoken by Perseus.
Percy p.o.v:
As Artemis fell asleep, the pain in my shoulder got worse. Even worse, was the sound that came suddenly. At the entrance of the cave stood a man with an armor so shiny it felt like I was looking at the sun.

It could be only one person, Hyperion. But I had just killed him, I expected him to leave us alone for at least a few hours more.

"There you are! You sea scum!" He said as he slowly walked inside.

He notched an arrow and aimed at me. "You move, I shoot!" He said.

"Hey Artemis! You might wanna wake up right about now!" I said as I nudged her with my elbow.

She slowly opened her eyes, only to be blinded by Hyperion's light.

"Apollo! Please turn off that light!" She yelled, but she fell silent at the end of her sentence.

"Wait... You are not Apollo are you?" She said as she remembered where she was.

The booming laughter that escaped the throat of the shining figure in front of us shook the whole cave.

"You stupid goddess, of course I'm not Apollo! I'm Hyperion, that idiotic brother of yours is nowhere to be found." Hyperion said as he aimed the bow at Artemis.

"As I said before. You move, I shoot." He said as he stopped walking and stood in front of us.

"You came alone? Are you really that stupid?" I asked, I knew that Hyperion had a fiery temper, and angry people, or titans for that matter, make more stupid mistakes.

"Of course I came alone! I can handle the two of you!" He yelled as he kicked my leg.

It was exactly what I wanted, as he was trying to kick me I quickly dodged his foot and grabbed it with my hands. I pulled as hard as I was able to.

The arrow that he accidentally let loose missed my throat by a few inches. But he stumbled and tripped over Artemis' stretched out legs. I stood up and quickly kicked away his bow.

Artemis quickly unsheathed her knives. She handed me one, which I put at Hyperion's throat.

"Apparently, you can't handle the two of us." She said.

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