Chapter 1 ~ A+, Better than nothing.

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Cameron Jones ~ 

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and crossed my fingers under the table hoping that Mr. Harrison would pass me a test paper with a huge 'A' on the front. I heard the paper hit my desk and I slowly opened my eyes, my hands shook as I took the cold paper in my hands. I turned it over and saw a huge red A+! 

"Oh my gosh! Yes!" I whispered to myself, the boy next to me shrugging at his lousy C+. 

MOM AND DAD ARE GONNA BE SO PROUD OF ME! I thought, a smile spreading across my face. My silver braces on show. 

I scanned around the room for my best friend, Leslie.

Correct that. My ONLY friend, Leslie. 

She wore a smile on her face too and held up her paper to show a B+. Leslie wasn't the smartest in the world and she usually spent her time reading magazines that had skinny, lanky boys with makeup and black clothes on the front of them, but I didn't mind. At least I wasn't a loner with her around.

The bell rang signalling that class was over, students pushed and shoved to get out of the stuffy math classroom and to the cafeteria. I waited for Leslie as she slowly packed away her things.

She sang happily as she hoisted her backpack onto her back and we walked out of class. 

"Wendy, run away with me

I know I sound crazy, don't you see what you do to me?

I wanna be your lost boy, your last chance. 

A better reality, yeah..."

"You're a really good singer, Leslie. You should enter the church choir, seriously." I cooed. 

"Church and Choir aren't my thing, Cam." She chuckled, picking a fruit salad from the servery. 

"You should just try it out, my parents would be so thrilled!" I pressed my hands together, my eyes sparkling. 

"I would much rather be in a rock band, maybe heavy metal." She laughed, walking over to the only free table left. 

My parents didn't approve of Leslie, ever since she showed up at our house when I'd Invited her for dinner in the seventh grade. She'd came over wearing black skinny jeans, bright yellow doc marten boots and a Nirvana t-shirt. Her hair was backcombed and she wore a mask of black eyeliner. My mother had almost fainted and when Leslie had left I was sent to my room for bringing a 'demon' into our house. 

Yeah, you can probably guess that I lived a normal life. 

Leslie smiled at me, fluffing her bright purple hair. 

"What do you think of the color this time?"

"Oh, I do like it." I wasn't lying. Leslie's hair looked awesome, I did wish she wouldn't wear fake eyelashes though. She looked like she had huge tarantulas sitting on her eyes. 

"Thanks, Mom wasn't so sure but Lauren said it looked good." 

Lauren was Leslie's older sister, she also was a 'demon' in my parents' eyes. In my eyes the two girls were more like angels. They were so kind hearted and knew how to cheer anyone up. Lauren was nice but she got involved with the wrong people. 

Kory Phillips and his 'Wolf Pack'.

We will get back to them later.

Leslie was friends with me, that was something that surprised me and a lot of other people. She'd come to be friends with me, leaving her other friends behind. I heard that they fought because she spent too much time with me and kicked her out of their skater kid gang. 

The only one Leslie still talked to was her boyfriend, Ethan. 

Ethan was absolutely beautiful, I wasn't going to lie. I was often jealous of Leslie for her good looks, her cool style, her laid back mother and her loving partner. 

Ethan and Leslie had been dating for three years, since they were just thirteen years old and they were completely and utterly loved up. They did have the odd argument, Leslie would turn to me to complain but apart from that, they had no signs of ever leaving each other. 

I longed for someone to look at me the way Ethan looked at Leslie. 

I was lonely.

"So, I have a date on Saturday with Ethan, he says he's got a big surprise for me." She waggled her eyebrows. 

Right now, I was not in the mood to talk dates with Les. 

"That's nice." I smiled, trying my hardest to zone out. It didn't work.

"What do you think it could be?" She sighed, staring into space.

"I don't know, I'm not good with relationships." I said, pressing my lips into a thin line and then shoving my head into my hands. 

"What's wrong?" I removed my hands to see Les had snapped from her daydream and was now staring at me, wide eyed.

She cared too much. 

"Just tired." I lied.

I zoned out for the rest of school and for the first time in a full year I was glad when the bell rang for the end of school. I didn't wait for Leslie today as she wanted to walk home with Ethan. I would rather be on my own than third wheeled. 

I ran out of school, bag slamming into my back. 

I didn't know where I was going or why, I just kept running, face to the ground. 

The wind felt nice through my hair, I felt free while I was running until...BUMP!

I ran into something solid, so solid it hurt my head a lot. 

I looked up to see whatever item had caused me so much pain in my skull just to see that it was not something, but someone. 

That someone was Kory Phillips...


I'm sorry for the crappy and short chapter. I've never been good at starting stories but I promise it will get better. Song is SOMEWHERE IN NEVERLAND - All Time Low. Picture is Leslie. 

Thanks for reading.


Bella x

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