Chapter 6 ~ You win.

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Okay, before I start the chapter I would like to thank ALL of you who read this story. Thank you all so much for reading, voting, commenting, adding or whatever else you've done. I am amazed, shocked. I literally screamed when I saw that my story is #598 in Humor (Last time I checked which was the 19th of September 2013). I love you all so so much you have no idea how much this means to me.

Thank you for helping me, and hopefully we can get this story higher ranked! 

This chapter is dedicated to Becca or @i8anawkwardtaco for helping me come up with the great idea. (THANKS BECCA! <3)

And thanks all of you, for all your help.

I love you all, 

Bella xx

Ethan ~ 

I whimpered to myself, it was last class, French. 

I'd never liked our French teacher, he gave me the creeps but I wasn't scared of him today... I was scared of Flora. 

Every chance she got, she groped me or kissed me. The entire day and I was more than positive some nosy cunts had gotten a few snaps of every time we touched. 

"Ethan..." She whispered from behind me.


"I don't get this!" She sighed. 

"Nor do I." I chuckled softly, turning back around and tapping Kyle, the boy who shared a desk with me, on the shoulder. 

"Hey, Kyle. Cute girl behind us wants help with her work." I told him.

"Cute? Leslie is cute. That girl is just your little fuck buddy." He laughed.

I sat with my jaw dropped, astounded by the usually quiet boy's words. 

"Excuse me?!" 

"Mr. Lawrence, do you have something you'd like to share with the class?" Mr. Evans, the creepy pedophile French teacher smirked, his eyes burning holes through me. 

"No, Sir." I mumbled.

"No really, I insist that you and Mr. Jefferson share your little conversation with us." He looked amused, Kyle looked nervous and the rest of the class looked like they were watching paint dry. 

"OK, sir." I smirked smugly. I wasn't going to let any teacher embarrass me.

"What?!" Kyle mouthed at him.

"I was just telling my pal, Kyle, here. How much of a dickhead you are." I kept a straight face as I said this and bit my tongue trying to keep the laughter in as Mr. Evans' smirk fell and his jaw almost hit the floor. 

The bell signalling end of school rang and I grabbed my stuff, bolting out the door like a lunatic. 

It seemed that everyone was turning into a wild animal today...


Leslie ~ 

I felt bad for what I'd done today, I just couldn't help it. Flora was all over MY man. 

I was now sitting in my room, with a big, black box of expensive chocolate, watching music videos on repeat, hanks to my new 'Smart TV' my loving parents had provided me with for Christmas. 

I popped another truffle into my mouth just as a huge rock hit my bedroom window.

"WHAT THE-" I was about to yell at whatever idiot had been throwing rocks at my window when I saw Ethan standing there. 

I opened the window and looked out at my prince charming.

"How nice of you to join me." I smirked, getting the rope I kept in my closet for evenings that ended up like this and dropping it outside till it hit the floor. Tying it down to the random metal anchor-ish thing that had been sticking out from my floor ever since we moved here. I'd made good use of it, hanging my hoodies over it and tying this rope to it. 

Ethan skillfully climbed the rope and in through my bedroom window. 

"Hi." He breathed, taking a lock of my purple hair and twirling it around his fingers. 

"Hi." I replied simply, pressing my lips to his soft ones. He smiled through the kiss and then pulled away, his dimples showing as he grinned wide. 

"You taste like chocolate!"

I gestured towards the box on my bed and he laughed, walking over and inspecting the box. Taking a handful and shoving them into his mouth. 

"Fuck you, they costed a bit!" I mocked anger, giving him a playful kick in the leg. 

"Bitch!" He yelled, taking a step closer to me.

I took another step so that we were millimetres apart. 

"Now you taste like chocolate too..." I kissed him, all the thoughts of Flora washed away from me and I realized, I was the only girl Ethan wanted. 

My phone made a strange sound as it vibrated from under the box of chocolates on my bed. 

Probably Cameron.

It vibrated again, and again, and again. I picked it up and recognized the number immediately. It was Tanya's, we hadn't spoke in months. I opened the messages she'd sent me and dropped the phone to the floor, a cracking sound filled the room as the screen smashed. 

"YOU KISSED HER!" I cried.

"I-I didn't start it!"

"As if that makes it any better, Ethan!" I screamed, stepping forward and bringing my foot up to where the sun don't shine... 

Ethan fell onto the floor in a heap, clutching his family jewels. 

"You totally deserved worse than that." I spat "Get out!"

He obeyed my commands and left without question. 

I retreated to my bed, chocolates in one hand, TV remote in the other. I didn't feel any different than I did before he'd came to my house and I was planning on just doing the same as I was before he came. 

I pressed play on the song and popped another truffle into my mouth.

I guess Flora won then...


Sorry for the short chapter but I have writers block sooo... 

Picture is: Kyle 

Song is: Bring Me The Horizon - Sleepwalking (Because they're my favorite band and I don't care what anyone says about their new album I like it, not better than their older albums but I still like it)

Anyway, thanks for reading you should totally follow Becca (@I8anawkwardtaco) she's so awesome. 


Bella xx

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