Chapter 13 ~ Drink like you mean it

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Kory ~ 

"You know, we should have told Cameron we were leaving." Sam sighed from the couch, beer can in one hand, cigarette in the other. 

"Yeah, we should have." Karson added, he was laying on the floor sketching out a new tattoo and would only grunt or add a few words in response to anything we said.

"Too late now." I snapped, the last thing I wanted was Sam going back to see Cameron. She was mine now, she told me she loved me.

"Actually, it isn't." Cole smiled, I knew he was only trying to help but he was getting on my nerves.


Everyone was silent. 

"That may have been too loud, Kory..." Sam sighed, chucking the half empty can of beer across the room. The remaining content splashing onto the dirty wall, he grabbed his jacket and muttered something about a bar.

Despite not being able to hear what Sam had just said, Cole followed him out and slammed the door. Both of them were obviously pissed off at me and with Karson being so interested in his tattoo sketch, he probably wouldn't be giving me much advice.

Instead, I went to one of the three bedrooms our gang had to share since we were renting out the biggest flat we could get. It stank of cigarette smoke, alcohol and dampness and I could guarantee you none of them were from our short stay. 

Ever since we'd gotten here all everyone did was fight, leaving someone at home kicking up a stink while everyone else went out and pretended to have a good time at the bar down the road. Resulting in many people many violently sick and coming home with some random slut they didn't know the name of. 

Tonight was my turn to be left at home, I figured out as the door slammed again and I saw Karson vanish down the road. 

There wasn't a chance I was going to sit here feeling sorry for myself, so I quickly took a shower and got ready to go out. 


Stepping out into the cold, October air. I wrapped my jacket tighter around me and walked down the street and as soon as I saw Sam snogging the face off some blonde bimbo outside the doors, I kept on walking. I walked until I found another bar, much to my delight it was a Rock Bar. I smiled and stepped up to the bouncer...


Ethan ~ 

It had occurred to me that I would be needing a backup plan after Leslie found out she was worth more than me. But I didn't even want Flora in that way, she just wouldn't leave me alone. And she had found out the password to half my social networking sites, posting pictures of us and statuses about her on it. It annoyed the heck out of me, especially when Leslie had commented under one of the photos she'd put on my Facebook; "You change your mind a lot, haha." 

I still had the ring box in the pocket of my skinny jeans just in case, I still admired the expensive ring and wondered why Leslie had dated me in the first place, if she loved me, why did she reject me?

Because you're a dick!

Quite right, brain...


Cameron ~ 

I spilled to Leslie, I just couldn't take it anymore. 

She'd stared at me, wide eyed and told me how it was illegal for Kory and I to be together since I was still jail bait and how my parents would kill me. 

I sighed deeply and then she smiled and said;

"On the other hand, we do need a modern day Romeo and Juliet, right?" 

So that was me, the modern day Juliet. 

The nerd girl who fell in love with the town's biggest badass. 

The nerd girl who was irrevocably in love with a murderer. 

The nerd girl who quite frankly couldn't care less about what her lover, the badass did. She loved him and NOTHING would change that. 


Just a quick chapter to tell what's happening with everyone. 

Thanks for reading, love you all. Byee!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Bella

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