Chapter 11 ~ So Long and Goodnight...

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Sam ~ 

If Kory hadn't have had the important job of driving, I was sure his eyes would be burning holes in me. As second in command I had to sit next to him for the entire drive and not only that but we were partners in the killing of Clive Locus. 

Clive was the local DJ in our only nightclub, Vinyl. 

Not only that, but he had been Karson's bully in high school. 

The fact that he played shit music all night, bullied Karson and was just a total dick gave us every right to kill him. 

"You know, maybe Sam should stay here and keep guard." Kory suggested, breaking my thoughts along with the awkward silence. 

"No, someone else should. Sam is second in command so we need him there." Alice said dryly. 

"Yeah." Lana agreed before shooting a small smile my way.

"I'll stay if you want, Kory." Dani told him and Kory rolled his eyes.

"No, it's fine. It was a stupid idea anyway." He laughed nervously as we pulled up behind Karson's van and clambered out. 

"Alright, we're waiting for Jasper's group." He told us, just then Jasper pulled up behind our van and hopped out, her team shifting bags and standing in line as if this were some sort of military operation. 

"Right, Jasper's team. You guys leave now. Take the weapons to the garden, straight in and straight back here. If anything goes wrong contact Jason. He and Lana will stay here with the radios and keep guard." Karson told them "Go."

And with that, the first part of our plan took action.

I slumped against the van, lighting a joint and looking over at Kory who was checking out Alice. 

He didn't deserve Cameron if he was going to check out and sleep with other girls as he was 'in love' with her. 

Alice leant over to tie her lace and I swear Kory's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets, his tongue hang out of his open mouth as if he were some dog. 

"Kory! Concentrate!" Karson barked. 

Kory mumbled an apology and I found this hilarious since Kory was leader of this gang and was usually barking orders at Karson, I was still in a fit of laughter when Jasper's team came back. 

"Alright, everyone ready? Again, alert Jason or Lana if anything goes wrong. I doubt it will though, let's go." Karson commanded.

We followed Kory to the third exit and got our fake ID's ready. I was a boy called James Scott who was twenty-five apparently. 

Surprisingly, we got through and to the booth quicker than expected, all we needed now was a good time to start shooting the place up.

"Let's do it now..." Karson whispered, handing each group their bag and smirking at his weapon of choice. A beautiful MP40.

I looked in the bag to find myself with the same weapon and I couldn't help but copy the smirk off Karson's face. 

Each of us had a few grenades and each group had one C4 plastic explosive. 

We made our way  through the dark, crowded club and into the shadows around the stage where Clive was playing horrible music that made idiots dance. I'm pretty sure I knew this song thanks to my little sister, Bethany. 

I caught sight of Karson and he nodded so I tapped Kory on the shoulder.

"Let's go, buddy." I whispered. 

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