Chapter 16 ~ Meeting The Jones Family...

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Sam ~

"Cameron! Cameron, wake up!" I shout-whispered, shaking the girl.

"Five more minutes, mom..." She mumbled, a little bit more awake than she was before.

I heard footsteps on the stairs and my heart started to beat a mile a minute.

"Cam! It's Sam, your parents are here!" I croaked.

"Cameron, are you in there?" A voice called, female. I assumed this was her mother. 

I looked around the room and decided on the wardrobe. I leaped from the bed and climbed into the wardrobe. Sadly, I was too tall and the wardrobe was the most uncomfortable option ever. It was also too skinny for a person and if I made one swift movement I was sure it would fall apart. So I bent down and stayed as still as possible. On the bright side, the wardrobe had slight slits in it which meant I had a good view of what was going on.

The door opened.

"Oh, hey mom." Cameron said sleepily, she was so cute.

"Cameron Mary Jones! Is that boy's clothes on the floor?!" The mum yelled.


"Um... I-I-I don't know!" Cameron stuttered.

I heard more footsteps and the enemy was now in the room, walking towards me. I froze but she stopped just outside the wardrobe and picked up my jeans, inspecting the rips in them.

"Did you have a homeless man in here?!"

"Yes... I'm sorry, mother. God always says to help others so I invited a homeless man inside and gave him a meal and some warmer clothes. He was soaking wet so I let him have a shower. I was so busy cleaning the shower and doing the dishes that I completely forgot about his clothes. Then I fell asleep and forgot most of it, but it is coming back to me now!" Cameron was the worst liar ever, but to my surprise, her mother bought it.

"That's my girl." She smiled and ruffled Cameron's hair.

I felt the need to sneeze, not now... not now...

Oh shit..

Next thing I knew I was laying on the floor in front of Cameron and her mother in my underwear...

I guess I was now a homeless guy...


Kory ~

Sam took too long, It was about two hours later when I finally decided to get out of the car and go get him. 

Climbing the balcony was still a task for me, curse my lanky legs!

I finally climbed up and almost lost my balance when I saw what I did.

Sam was laying on the ground, red in the face, only in his boxers with a wardrobe laying on top of him. A middle aged woman with frizzy brown hair and many holy necklaces around her neck wearing a floral patterned dress and a brown cardigan was also red in the face. Her hands covered her mouth as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Cameron was sitting on the bed, Sam's shirt in her hands and the look on her face told me she wanted a miracle to happen so she could get they hell out of there. If that's what she needed, I would do it. 

I jumped back off the balcony and went to my car. Finding a bandana and black gloves, I took a pistol and made sure it was loaded with just one bullet before heading back to the garden and up again to the balcony, I pulled the hood of my black hoodie up around my head, pulled the bandana over my mouth and held the pistol in one hand before bursting the balcony doors open and running in. 

"EVERYONE GET ON THE FLOOR!" I yelled, pulling the pistol out in front of me and shooting Cameron a wink. She seemed to get the point and got down on the floor but kept reasonably calm.

"JERRY!" The woman yelled.

"SILENCE OR I WILL KILL YOU, BITCH!" I shouted, trying not to laugh as she winced at the 'bitch' part.

"Oh no. All I wanted was some soup and now I'm going to die..." Sam sighed, he knew it was me. 


"HELP ME! JERRY!" The woman began to cry and then a bald man wearing a shirt and tie burst through the door.


The man obeyed and the woman sighed, it seemed 'Jerry' was her last hope. 

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I SAID YOU KEEP FUCKING QUIET, BITCH!" I yelled, making sure to shoot the floor next to her head with the bullet I had. She screamed and then bit her lip to quieten herself and kept her hands above her head.

"YOU, AND YOU!" I gestured towards Sam and Cameron "GET ONTO THAT FUCKING BALCONY RIGHT NOW!"

They obeyed and I started to kick things over for the fun of it, scaring the crap out of the people I assumed were Cameron's parents. 

I walked outside and kicked the glass in on the patio doors before shouting for Sam and Cameron to jump down. Once we were all on the floor I ordered them to get in the car and then I got in and we left. 

"That was crazy!" Sam laughed.

"My parents..." Cameron wailed.

"It had to be done, Cam..." I sighed.

"Why? I would much rather have taken the whipping!" Cameron told me.

"WHIPPING?!" I halted the car and stared at the girl in the back seat, next to my best friend who looked like he'd just done a bit of stripping.


"There's no chance you're going back there. Living with us might not be your dream but I can promise you, it will be better than there. Dani will also be thrilled to have you there. She said you're like a nice little sister."

Sam chuckled about the nice part, as Stacie wasn't our idea of a nice little sister... I don't think she was anyone's idea of a nice little sister apart from maybe Jasper, who only liked her because they both had a hatred of Cameron...

"Okay..." Was all Cam said.

I knew it wasn't a nice thing, to be ripped away from your family. But it would be better for her on the long run.

"STOP!" She screeched suddenly, the front of our car had hit something and I halted it before it could squish it.

Before Sam or I could make up our minds about what had just happened, Cameron was out of the car and kneeling in front of a young girl with black hair. 

I leaped out of the car and kneeled next to the girl, Sam at my heels.

"I'm so sorry!" I cried.

"It's...fine." She croaked.

"We need to call an Ambulance..." Sam whispered.

"We can't, they know who we are." 

"You can't leave me here to call it!" Cameron wailed.

"Karson knows some medical stuff, we'll just have to take her with us!"

And that's exactly what we did.


Sorry for it being so short but here's the chapter...

I love you all, thanks for reading. Bahii xox

x Bella

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