Chapter 5!

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Chapter 5 - Who DOESN'T Have Turtle Pajamas?

I awoke on Mason's lounge floor. Hazy, I opened my eyes to see my mum instantly wrap her arms around me, whilst Mason stood nervously shaking in the corner.

"You're OK now, love. It's all right, I'm here," Mum soothed. "Everything’s all right. You just had a seizure, but it's all right. Mason phoned me, OK?" she continued to mutter, but I didn't take in her words.

"I'm tired," I yawned, looking at Mason. He was pacing the room, scratching his head.

She nodded, "I know, love. C'mon, we'll go home now, OK?"

I didn't reply. I was too tired. I just wanted to sleep…

"Thanks, Mason, you did the right thing. I imagine it must have been awful for you; I remember the first time it happened - I had no idea what to do."

"Well, I did a first aid course a year or two ago, so that helped. I'd forgotten most of it, though."

I heard Mum smile (well, I heard her 'hmph' in a friendly way and I'd imagined she smiled…) and say, "Anything we can do for you, just say."

"Well, I didn't really do anything. I just put a pillow under him and cleared the room, then phoned you."

"Well, that's not nothing! How about you come for dinner next Friday night? We're going to an early firework night display and I make a mean lasagne, even if I do say so myself."

"Uh, well," he started.

"I'll get Andrew to give you the details," she smiled. "All right, come on, Andy," she struggled to pick me up. I clambered into her tight grip and lugged myself along to the car with her.


After about twenty-two hours of sleep, I awoke in the early Sunday evening. Late sunlight poured through the open curtains and burrowed itself into my bedroom. Draping the walls, it was suprising I hadn't been woken up from the light earlier. I pulled back the covers and stepped out of my bed slowly.

It seemed my mother had no shame and had almost ( [[ almost ]] ) fully undressed me. Yet, she hadn't thought to actually put me in pajamas (I see no shame in wearing pajamas in bed - my favourite ones have pictures of turtles on them). I dressed quickly in my turtle pajamas (what? I'd probably go back to bed in a few hours. It'd be too much effort to get dressed for a new day) and ambled downstairs.

"Ah, Drew! You're awake at last!" Mum smiled half-way through a mouthful of dinner.

"All right, son," Dad nodded, not looking too bothered.

"All right, Dad," I replied; not sure if it was a question or a statement.

"Do you want some roast dinner, Andrew? There's plenty left. It's pork, your favourite." I wasn't aware that pork was my favourite, or - for that matter - even had a favourite type of meat, but the offer was nice.

"I'll just have some breakfast, I think," I replied.

She tutted, but stood up and ruffled my hair. "Sit down then, I'll do it."

I shoot her a questioning look but let her make me a bowl of cereal (something she hadn't done for years). I guess she I would take her for what she had. After all, this phase wouldn't last any longer than a few days.

So, sat down to watch my Series 3 of Gossip Girl box set with a steaming mug of tea and a packet and a half of custard creams, wrapped up in my duvet (all delivered by my lovely mother), I was happy. I was halfway through the first episode, when the phone rang.

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