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Yay finally started writing! Here is chapter 1, hope you enjoy (if anyone actually reads this) :p

(Y/n's PoV)
I woke up in my none familiar bed in my none familiar room in my none familiar house in a completely different country... Why would they do this?


"Y/n you're moving to America!"
"That's right you're moving with your sister in Los Angeles."
"B-but w-why??"
"Because we want a better life for you, living in this crappy house in Australia is not good enough!"

It's true we do live in a crappy house, we aren't very wealthy but our selfish family is. Our grandparents from my fathers side only give us money if absolutely necessary which apparently this is very important to them too, why does everyone want me to leave?

"W-why d-do you w-want m-me t-to go, i'm only 13 and i'm your youngest daughter, why would you put me though this, i can't go on a plane by myself, why with my sister??"

They didn't know that my sister hated me and how much shes hurt me, we hardly know each other because she moved to Los Angles when she was 13 too, ever since then i haven't seen her, neither have my parents...i don't know what my own sister looks like. How the hell am i supposed to be happy when i'm around 12,000 km away from my own parents! Won't they miss me?... they...they would miss me right?

"Y/n I can't answer all these questions! Just start packing your suitcase, your father and I will handle with all your bigger furniture if you want to bring some. Your sister should have a bed and enough space for clothes so just choose what you want."
"Why are you so calm about this!?"

At this point I was mad. I wanted to run away and cry for hours seeing my sister again after 8 years, would she hurt me again? Did she realise that it's wrong? Please tell me she's nice...

"Why do you want me to leave, do you not love me anymore!? Why are you doing this to me!?"
"Y/n stop now! This is what happened to your sister and it is happening to you! Now go and pack!"

I stormed off into my room with tears threating to leave my eyes.

~end of flashback~

Why... Just why?

Thankyou so much for reading if anyone read the whole thing and if anyone wants me to continue then I will, I most likely will continue anyway because i've had this idea in my head for a while now. But for now... THANKYOU guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON in the face LIKE A BOSS! And high fives around *gives high fives* and i'll see all you dudes...IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!! Buh bye!

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