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Hi! i'm back after like forever! If anyone was curious to where I was I have just been a bit off lately, but i'm okay! Someone please tell me if you want me to continue this story because I really want to know!
Anyway I hope you enjoy!

(Mark's PoV)
"Well...that was interesting..." Jack saids looking at the ground.
"Jack I am so sorry for acting like I did, I kinda lost control..." I give him an apologetic look.
"Don't worry Mark... I liked it" He whispered the last part with a smirk.
"That was what I was going for" I say smirking back.
"Well it definitely worked" He saids giggling a bit.
"Jack?" I say turning serious all of the sudden.
"Yeah? You ok?" He sounds a bit worried.
"I really liked that kiss" I admitted shyly.
"I-i did too" Jack admits as well.
"R-really?" I was shocked... Jack liked me back?! But he has a girlfriend and he isn't bi...
"I... Yeah I have always liked you like a crush since I first played with you" Well nevermind...
"I really like you Sean" I say basically whispering.
"OH F**K" Jack screamed all of the sudden.
"Oh Jesus Christ Jack!" I freak out at the sudden loud noise.
"Signe is coming to LA Mark! I just fricking kissed you and my girlfriend is coming!" Jack started panicking.
"Jack calm down it's ok" I say rubbing his back.
"I don't know if I still like Signe... But I don't want to hurt her"
"It's ok Jack"
"I don't know who I like Mark... I just need time to figure this out"
"Don't worry Jack i'll give you some time!"
"Thanks Mark" He looks at me teary eyed and a small smile.
I grabbed his chin and kissed him, it didn't last long cause I quickly let go.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry... I'm sorry, I didn't mean too" I say walking back.
"Don't worry about it Mark..." His voice is so soothing and calming.
"Sorry... I'm such an asshole I am making you cheat on Signe, i'm so sorry Sean..." Jack looked shoked.
"Mark this isn't your fault, it's my fault I don't know who I like!" He saids trying to comfort me.
"I'm sorry..." I whispered.
"Stop it Mark, I forgive you."
"Thankyou Jack..." He wraps his arms around my torso and pulls me in for a hug which I gladly except.
"I think I want to break up with Signe..." Jack saids staring at me.
"I really don't want to ruin your relationship with Signe, Jack..."
"No Mark you're not... I think I like you more..."
"Really?!" I can't believe this is happening! I have wanted this for so long.
"Y-yeah... You're ok with that right?" He asks me.
"Are you kidding? I have liked you for so long, everytime I see you I have wanted to kiss you, I realise I was gay because I like you!" I admitted.
"Oh... Wow..." He saids.
"Are you sure Sean? To end your relationship with Signe because of me? I feel pretty bad for that" I question.
"Don't Mark, it's okay."
"C-can I k-kiss you?" I asks blushing. Jack giggles.
"Come here." Jack saids putting his arms around my neck and conneting our lips.

This time it was more passionate, I have never kissed anyone like this before, I don't think I have ever loved anyone like this before... I held his hips like I did when we were on the ground.
This is the best day of my life.

(Jack's PoV)
I think this is the best day of my life.

I am kissing Mark! And he likes me back! I guess that makes me bi... I loved every second of the kiss, I have definitely never felt like this with Signe... I like Mark more.
"Mark?" I say breaking the kiss.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"What about Y/n?" I say unsure.
"Oh... I don't know..." Mark admits.
"What do we do with her? She can't stay here forever... Can she?" I question, curious.
"Honestly I really don't know..." Mark answers. "Come on lets ask her" Mark saids peaking me on the lips, grabbing my hand and walks to Y/ns room. I knock on her door and walk in.
"Y/n?" I ask. Y/n was cuddled in blackets... Crying? Oh no...
"Y/n?!" Mark saids looking at me with a worried expression.
"W-what d-do you w-want?" She asks us.
"Are you crying?" I say walking up to her bed.
"Jack, p-please d-don't" She studdered, sniffing.
"Y/n let me help you" I say sitting next to her and Mark joins in.
"Please tell us what's wrong" Mark saids calmly, he is so good at making people feel better.
"J-just the f-fact that m-my sister doesn't l-love me and t-that my parents made me move here" She saids whimpering.
"Oh, right... Listen i'm so sorry-"
"You forgot, it's fine" She cuts me off. I give her an apologetic look.
"Y/n don't be like that... Please..." I say turning her over to face us.
"Sorry... I sound so rude... I'm the one in your house and i'm just here crying like a baby..."
"No Y/n! Don't say that! You are not a baby... Your stu- umm, sister is what's wrong!" Mark saids correcting himself. Y/n giggles a bit. "Do you want to visit your sister?" Mark questions after a little pause.
"I might as well I guess..." She shrugged.
"You know where she lives?" I ask sheepishly.
"Yeah how else could I of got there?" She saids chuckling.
"Oh, r-right" I say awkwardly. Mark just laughs.
"Well lets go I suppose" Y/n saids getting off the bed.
"Alrighty then" Mark follows. I get off the bed and open the door for Y/n and Mark.
"Oh you are such a gentalmen Jack" Mark walks out.
"After you m'lady" I say bowing and grabbing Marks hand and kissing it. We both laugh and get into Marks car as Y/n was waiting for us in the car.
"So, are you two a thing now?" She asks as we get in.
"What makes you think that?" Mark and I question. She raises her eyebrow and started giggling.
"You guys were talking pretty loud when I was in my room" She smirked.
"O-oh" I say blushing and looking at Mark, he looks back blushing too. Y/n tries to stop giggling.
"You guys are so cute" She saids sticking her tongue out.
"L-lets go" Mark saids as he starts the car and drives off.

There is another chapter for anyone that actually enjoys this crap...I hope you enjoyed and tell me if anyone wants me to finish this, but for now... THANKYOU guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON in the face LIKE A BOSS! And high fives around *gives high fives* and i'll see all you dudes... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!! Buh bye!

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