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Welcome back me!! Another chapter is here, yay! Enjoy!
By the way... I don't like swearing but I know Mark and Jack do so I put * or used a different word with every swear they say, don't judge me! Anyway onto the story!

(Jacks pov)
We were standing there for half an hour and Mark suggested that Y/n should come with us.
"Are you sure Mark? What if we just take her and her sister comes while we are gone?" I say beginning to get worried.
"It's already 5 Jack, it's becoming sundown, and I, I don't know what to do..." He saids stuttering.

Mark is such a caring person, he cares about other people that he would do anything to help them, that's why I lo-like! That's why I like him... Girlfriend.

"Why? Just why? Why would they make her move 15 hours away to live with her sister which leaves her at fricking Disneyland!" Mark saids almost yelling.

He looks at the ground not knowing what to do, I didn't know he would get so emotional about this... I grab his chin and lift it up so he's looking at me, I blushed a little as i'm really close to his lips... Oh God Jack stop! Girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend...
I wonder if Mark likes me... No Jack just because Mark's gay doesn't mean he likes you! Maybe...

"I don't know Mark, but all I know is that we have to take care of her, together..." I whispered the last part hoping that I don't sound weird.

We looks at each others eyes again, he's eyes are so beautiful.

"I...ok, for y/n" Mark saids quietly playing with my fingers.

I intertwined my fingers with his giving them a reassuring squeeze completely forgetting that i'm dating someone, I blush as I look at him. When I was least expecting it Mark looks back at me and then comes closer, he's not gonna kiss me, IS HE?! He rubs his nose against mine and starts giggling and then before I could react he grabs my hand again and leads me and Y/n to his car, we all get in and drive home.

I couldn't help but think of Mark being so close to me, why did he rub his nose against mine? Did he do it to light up the mood? Did he just do it to get close to me? Does he like me? If I don't find out soon i'm going to make a move and regret it.
The whole way back I kept on glancing at him and his flawless body. His red hair, glasses, gorgeous brown eyes, strong arms and muscular chest. I don't work out my arse, you're buff as all hell Mark, I realize that my cheeks are getting warm and quickly look away.

(Marks pov)
I notice Jack is looking at me from the corner of my eye, I couldn't stop staring at him and his perfect body, his green hair, beautiful blue eyes, adorable pointy ears, them kissable lips... I really need to stop thinking about kissing Jack, am I that in love with him?

~ Time Skip Home ~

We drive in the driveway and hear Y/n commenting my house.
"Matt and Ryan are on holiday so you guys can have there beds, I washed them don't worry" I laugh at myself as we walk in.
"It's been a while since i've been here" I here Jack say behind me.
"Uh what about my pyjamas..." Y/n saids laughing a little awkwardly.
"S**t, uh I mean crap" I say feeling a little awkward myself.
"Thanks for correcting yourself, I don't like swearing, but for some reason I like you guys, not in the mean way of course!" She saids rambling.
"Calm down, WE will try not to swear, right Jack?" He seems to be out of it for a bit until I clicked infront of his face.
"Uh yeah, sure..." He saids nervously... I wonder what that was about?
"Uh about pyjamas, do you want me to go buy some real quick?" I say sheepishly.
"Yes please, I'm size 14, just not too childish and colourful please..." Y/n saids being specific.
"Don't worry Mark, i've got this" Jack saids smirking at me. "You go have a shower, we will be back soon."
The only thing I could say was "O-ok..." I don't know why but Jack telling me to have a shower makes me feel things... Oh well.

I wave goodbye to Jack and Y/n as they drive away and I go have a shower, for some reason hot showers make me think, ALOT.

"Does Jack like me? Do I like him? Does Jack like Y/n? Why did he hold my hand back at Disneyland before I nuzzled his nose? Why did I nuzzle his nose? Did I just want to be close to him? I don't know..." This went on for another 10 minutes until I hear a knock at the door.
"Frick!" I whisper/scream. "Just a second!" I yell.
I quickly get out and put a towl on and rush to the door and open it showing Jack and Y/n.

(Jacks PoV... Again)
Holy s**t...

Mark opens the door with just a towl on his waist, why Mark why? I couldn't help but look at his tanned torso, it was still wet from the shower, I probably look like a weirdo but I can't help it, he's so fricking hot!

"You're back so soon" Mark saids letting us inside and I couldn't do anything but stare.
"I-uh... Um" Mark just giggles at me with a deep shade of red.

Y/n just covers her eyes and walk straight past us to the bathroom.

"Like what you see?" Mark teases me smirking.
"S-shut u-up..." I stuttered completely blushing madly as well.
"Ok i'm gonna get change, your room is next to mine, follow me" I followed Mark to his guest room and winks at me before walking out.
"I like you too Mark" I whisper after he leaves the room, God damn it Mark... I don't know what to think about you.

I wonder about Mark until Signe comes in my mind.
Signe, Mark, Signe... Mark.
Me and Mark have been best friends forever what if he actually likes me back? Would it ruin our friendship or create a relationship? What would Signe think about me? She'll think that you've fallen for your best friend because I wasn't there, what if I saw her now... Put Signe and Mark together and figure this out.
I get out my phone to see a text from Signe...

Signe (S) Jack (J)
S: Hey babe how's LA?
J: Hey, yeah it's going great! We met this girl named Y/n and her sister left her at Disneyland so me and Mark took her to his place.
S: Sean I don't think you should just me picking up random people from Disneyland...
J: She wasn't a random person, she was a fan and she had no where to go.
S: Had no where to go? How old is she?
J: She's 13 and she comes from Australia, she had to come here and live with her sister but she left her.
S: I don't believe that and you shouldn't either.

"Why is she acting like this?" I mumbled to myself. She's judging Y/n and she doesn't even know her... Mark excepted her as soon as he saw her. I got a little pissed with Signe.

J: Whatever I need to shower now, Night.

I turn my phone off and go to Marks room to say i'm having a shower.

"Mark?" I say opening Mark's door. "Mark?" I say again. I look and see Mark and y/n sitting on his bed talking.
"Oh hey Jack, Y/n and I were just talking, what do you need?" I was only away from him for 10 minutes and I missed his voice, Jack you're addicted.
"Oh i'm just having a shower now"
"Ok, come on Y/n let's go to bed now"
"Ok, night Mark!" She hugs Mark for the millionth time today and gets off the bed.
"Night Jack!" She hugs me too and walks out of the room.
Before I walk out Mark hugs me from behind.
"Night Jackaboy" He smiles and gets off, before he went back to his bed I hugged him from behind too.
"Night Markimoo" I say sweetly causing him to blush.

I walk out of Marks room, have a shower, get in my bed and let the sleep take over me.

What do I do?

Another chapter finished! Yes!! I am loving this story so far and I hope anyone that happens to see this likes it too! Okay that enough talk I seem to ramble a lot at the end...Oh well but for now... THANKYOU guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON in the face LIKE A BOSS! And high fives around *gives high fives* and i'll see all you dudes... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!! Buh bye!

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