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I am so bad at updating... Someone help me! I'm so lazy!! Oh well... Next chapter.

(Jack's PoV)
Well this has gone well so far... I didn't know that Mark was gonna fricking admit that I look good... Mark comes back with a black shirt with an M on it and track pants.

"Wow really? You chose your own merch?" I say scoffing.
"Yeah I did and I know you like it!"
"Yeah your right..." I say agreeing.
"Ok anyway lets get back to recording" Mark saids happily.
"Sure" I shrug. We go back to sitting on the couch.
"Ok MY TURN!!" Mark screams.
"Calm gown Mark" I giggle at him.
"Truth or dare?" It took Mark a minute to answer.
"Ok they dare you too... Oh God... Talk in an accent for 3 rounds..." I sigh waiting for it...
"TOP OF THA MORNIN TO YA LADDIES HOOHOHO POTATO, WHERE ME POT O' GOLD?" Mark started doing the worst Irish accent.
"Thanks Mark, thanks" We both start laughing for what feels like ages.
"Ok you're turn laddie"
"Mark just, noo..."
"Ok, ok, truth or dare?"
"Ok, what is the stupidest thing you have an emotional attachment to?" Asked Mark. To be honest all I could think was Mark.
"Uuuhh, video games?" I say more like a question.
"Hey! Video games are awesome!"
"I know that! Why do you think I play them?"
"They are not stupid" Mark looked at the camera.
"Whatever you're go" I say to him.
"Dare" I start giggling again.
"What?" Mark asks.
"You're Irish is horrible" I say.
"Hey! I'm trying!" He saids.
"Ok!" I started laughing hysterically.
"Lick t-the floor."
"Lick the floor!"
"Fudge whoever sent this tweet!" Mark saids looking at the camera. I was choking of laughter at this point.
"God damn it" Mark whispered. He got down on his knees at licked the floor.
"Eww what the eff is on the ground?!" I fell of the couch with a loud thud...and I landed on Mark.
"Ahhh!" Mark yelled.
"Hi..." I say awkwardly.

I ended up straddling Mark, on the ground, inches away from his face... Again... Mark grabbed his phone with me still on him and with our luck Y/n walked in.

"Oh hi guys... What did I just walk on?" She saids rubbing the back of her head.
"It's not w-what is looks like..." Mark says still holding my hips from the fall.
"I fell off the couch..." I defend.
"Oh well you guys have to stay like that!"
"Wait, what?"
"Why?" Mark and I questioned. She walked up to us and whispered.
"Because the Septiplier fans will go crazy!"
"So?" I question.
"There reaction will be the best!"
"Fine..." We agreed.

That's when I realized that I was actually straddling Mark, THE Markiplier on the ground and I started blushing harshly.

"O-ok tr-uth o-or dare?" Mark studders he must of realized what was happening too.
"Dare" I say. Why am I doing all these dares, i'm gonna end up doing something stupid-
"J-Jack..." Mark saids studdering completly.
"Y-you h-have t-o...kiss me..."

My brain exploded... ME kissing MARK?! What about Signe? What about our friendship? Would this making something click? Do I even want to kiss Mark? Does he want to kiss me? Will Signe see this video? Oh my God this is being recorded! What do I do? Just kiss him Jack! What no! Are you insane?! Yes, kiss him! Do it now!
It was like the devil and angel sitting on my shoulder fighting.

I leaned forward is conneted my lips with Mark's. He stiffened as his eyes widened in realisation, but loosed up and grabbed my hips to secure me. I put my hands on this cheeks as we kissed. I swear I felt fireworks it was the best feeling, I never felt like this with Signe, it just felt so... Good. I loved it, it felt so right even though it probably shouldn't but felt wrong too. We broke apart breathing heavily.

"Eww God damn it Mark you're tongue tastes like floor" I say tasting my mouth out of breath. I shouldn't of said that out loud... He just smirked at me.
"Aww I thought you liked it" He whined in a flirtish way.
"Wha- N-no it's not that I-" I stuttered completely.
"Good cause I want more" He whispers to me. Where did this come from? You're killing me Mark!
"M-Mark we n-need to con-tinue the v-video" I say choking my words out.
"Aww you're no fun" Mark pouted.

Why is Mark acting like this? One minute he's blushing like crazy and I had to kiss him and now he's super sexy. Wasn't the kiss awkward for him? Has he always wanted to kiss me? He was very into the kiss we just did, can he just not control himself anymore?
I got off Mark and tried to go back to normal.

"O-okay truth o-r dare?" I ask Mark, am I scared? Yes i'm scared, well nervous of what is going to happen next.
"Dare" Mark saids sounding embarrassed.
"Hehe... Ok you have to give me your phone and let me look at it for 2 minutes" I say laughing for like the millionth time.
"N-no... B-but"
"No buts Mark!"

I grabbed his phone and the first thing I saw was him and me as his background.
"Aww Mark!" I say quietly forgetting that he is right next to me. I started looking through his pictures, come on who wouldn't look through someones pictures?
There were cute photos of us and some selfies he took, wow he really is attractive...
And then I see a picture of Mark without a shirt on in his bed with the covers just covering his abdomen. "Okay that's enough of that..." I whispered to myself going into Mark's contacts.

"Wait" I whispered to myself.
I have a heart? Oh now I know why Mark didn't want me to have his phone... Oh and there is one more.
Oh Daniel I didn't even get to meet you...

"Hurry up 2 minutes!" I here Mark say clearly impatient. I giggle at him and go onto Tumbler. He has reposted a bunch of septiplier fanart... Wooh Mark...
"2 MINUTES IS UP GIVE ME MY PHONE!!" Mark screamed.
"Ok, ok calm down!" I say holding my hands up surrendering.
"Shut up!" Mark saids covering his face.
"Okay sorry... My turn..."
"Finally! Truth for dare?"
"What is the most embarrassing thing you have put up on social media?"
"Oh God umm..." I say thinking.
"Oh when I posted that picture of me shirtless on Instagram back when I had brown hair, God I thought I looked sooo good" I say chuckling a bit rubbing the back of my neck.
"Oh I saw that! You were so hot Jack" saids Mark sarcasticlly.
"Shut up! I know I regret it!" I say joining in Mark laughing.
"Truth or dare Mark?"
"Alright, oh I know you can do this" I say suspiciously.
"Do whaaaat?" Mark asks concerned.
"Do four cartwheels in a row!"
"I can't do that!"
"Yeah you can! You did two in a row when we were at Pax Prime doing our panel! Just do two more!" I say encouraging him.
"Okay... Alright" Mark saids sounding kinda nervous. We go outside and I bring the camera.
"Okay! Goooo" I say. He does his cartwheels really well.
"Very impressive Fischback" I say with a scoff, wow I have never used Marks last name for anything...
"Thankyou McLoughlin" He saids mispronouncing my last name.
"Don't make fun of my last name!" I say pouting and crossing my arms.
"Oh sorry Jackaboy" I blush at the nickname. We get back inside and it gets to my turn.
"Truth or dare?" Mark saids.
"Okay, it's the last one and it's... You have to write something embarrassing on any part of your body!" He chuckles at the end.
"Oh God..."
"Ok what can I write on Jackaboy?.." Mark saids teasing me.
"Where is it going?" I ask.
"On your face?"
"Dude it's permanent marker I don't want something embarrassing on my face" I beg.
"That's the point!"
"Please..." I say doing my best puppy eyes.
"Fine, you're too cute..." Mark whispered the last part very quietly, but of course I had to hear it and looked down feeling my cheeks burn.
"My stomach I guess..." I suggest.
"Fine with me!"
"Wait I can't write on myself..." I say hinting that Mark needs to write on my stomach.
"Okay i'll do it..." It was kinda awkward but I lifted up my shirt and let Mark write on me.
"Aahh it's cold!" Mark just giggles.
"Stay still!" Mark saids holding me still.
"Yeah and then... Done! Ta ta!" I was pretty nervous to know what he wrote... I lifted up my shirt again too see.
"Stuff you Mark!!" We both crack up laughing.
"It saids dicks if no one can see that" I say walking up to the camera and showing everyone.
"Okay so that was truth or dare with Jacksepticeye!"
"Thankyou for having me Mark!"
"No problem, Okay so anyways thankyou guys so much for watching-" I cut him off.
"-And we will see all you-"
"-Buh bye!"
"That was pretty cool" Mark admitted.
"Yeah that was awesome!"
"Okay bye, AHHHHH" Saids Mark running up to the camera and turning it off.

So that was truth or dare with Jacksepticeye and Markiplier! if only this happened in real life ;(
One day, but for now... THANKYOU guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON in the face LIKE A BOSS! And high fives around *gives high fives* and i'll see all you dudes... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!! Buh bye!

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