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I really need to update more...i'm up to chapter 10 and I haven't even upload chapter 7, go me! Anyway onto the story!

(Jack's PoV)
I woke up to the smell of something delicious, it smelled like pancakes. I slowly get out of bed and walk to the kitchen.

"Morning Mark and wow that smells great!" I say walking up to Mark.
"Good morning Jack, and thanks" He saids smiling at me.
"Is it ready?" I say childishly. Mark just giggles at me.
"What's so funny Markimoo?" I say smirking at the end.
"Oh nothing..." He saids smirking back.

I love little moments like these just me and Mark, alone... Together, wow Jack really? Am I that obsessed? Oh jeez. Before I new what I was doing I wrap my arm around his neck and hug him tightly.

"What is this for?" Mark questions me.
"Just for everything, you made me start Youtube and I love it, you reached out to me and helped me with my channel, you let me stay here instead of paying for a hotal... I am so lucky and happy to have you as my best friend" I finished smiling at him blushing a little. Mark was speechless he didn't know what to say.
"N-no problem Jack" he blushed and hugged back.

I broke the hug and rubbed my nose against his, he was blushing madly and I found it so cute... And I accidentally say it out aloud...

"You look cute when your blushing" Oh sh- I just called my best friend cute! GOD DAMNIT SEAN YOU IDIOT!
"I-I... Uh" His whole face was in a deep red, i'm probably blushing just as much.

Then Mark started to pull me close our faces inches away, until Y/n walked into the room... We are having a moment y/n.

"H-hi, did I just ruin a moment here?!" Yeah you fricking did.

We separated quickly both of us blushing like crazy.

"N-no, I, uh... Hey breakfast is ready!" Mark saids changing the subject.
"Ooooh pancakes!" Smirking, Y/n saids acting along.

Was Mark about to KISS ME??! And I was LEANING IN TOO??!
I really need to figure out who I like... Should I go visit Signe and see what's going on? No I can't leave Mark here by himself with Y/n...
We eat our breakfast talking and laughing at each other and we learn more about Y/n.
I finish first so I get up and wash my bowl and go into my room to see a text, it was from Signe...

Signe: (S) Jack: (J)
S: Jack I think we should talk...

Oh sh*t what does she want to talk about...

J: Ok what do you want to talk about?
S: I want to talk to you in person so i'm coming to LA.

W-what? Signe in LA, oh God...

J: I could come back to Ireland Signe.
S: No Sean i've already bought the tickets and i've got a hotel.
J: Signe...
S: Sean this is important!
J: Okay! see you soon...
S: Love you.

I got chills all down my spine after the last text, Signe is my girlfriend Jack! She loves me, loves me... Just send it Jack!

J: love you too.

Why do I feel bad about this?! I love her! God damn it Mark! I shouldn't blame Mark for this Jack you arse... I let out a loud sigh and flopped onto my bed groaning.

"Jack? You ok?" Mark saids opening the door.
"Yeah..." I say not meaning to sound a bit annoyed.
"Oh uh sorry" Mark apologized.
"No sorry Mark I didn't mean to sound pissed it's just... Signe wants to talk to me in person cause it's 'really important' so she's coming to LA..." I quote with my hands.
"Oh uh does she have a place to stay? She could stay here if she needs too" He asks. Mark your too kind.
"No it's good, she's getting a hotel for a bit, she didn't tell me any of the details so yeah..."
"Oh ok... OOOHH I JUST REMEMBERED!!" Mark screamed.
"Holy f**k Mark you scared me!" He bursts into fits of laughter.
"S-sorry Jack" He managed to choke out.
"Oh sh*t, oh crap I swore twice... Did Y/n hear?"
"N-no I don't t-think so" Mark still dieing of laughter.
"Well what did you remember that made me nearly sh*t myself?" I say curiously.
"Well... Cause you're here and that, and we both have Youtube channels... How about we do like a truth or dare reading tweets kind of thing with our fans?" Mark saids really excited... Why are you so loveable Mark?
"Y-yeah that's an awesome idea Mark!" I say getting excited.
"Cool ok well lets start doing stuff" Mark saids trying to act normal.

I wonder how this will go...

Sorry it's a bit short i've got more chapters coming out soon and I just want to remind anyone that has been reading this story thankyou! I really do love writing this and I want to continue writing until I finish! But for now... THANKYOU guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON in the face LIKE A BOSS! And high fives around *gives high fives* and i'll see all you dudes... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!! Buh bye!

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