Chapter 5)

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"I'm back." I yelled out.

I heard footsteps walk out to me, as I hung my jacket up. Then, I felt him lace his arms around my waist, and lips on my neck. I spun around, and kissed my Dimitri, wrapping my arms around him.

"I missed you" he said muffled by my hair. 

"I can tell, I missed you too."

"How did talking to Lissa go?"

"Great! She helped me sort through the overwhelming thoughts inside my head."


"I've been thinking, why don't we go to Russia so we can see your family?"

"I was actually thinking the same thing, I want my moms approval of you."

At that he knelt down, I could feel the heat rush up to my face. I hope my cheeks aren't too red. This is it, this is finally it, I was wondering when he was going to ask me.

"Rosemarie Hathaway, Roza, will you spend the rest of your life with me? I love you and always will."

I reached out and pulled him up into an embrace. 

"Yes" I whispered into his ear before I showered him with kisses. Which he lovingly returned. The kisses deepened into making out. In between breaths clothes came off, soon we were lying on our plush bed, naked and entangled to the point where I couldn't tell him from me. And then we had sex. 

"I love you Roza."

"I love you too." I responded.

Afterwords we layed like that for a long time, eventually drifting into sleep. 


I awoke to someone stroking my long brunette hair. I turned and smiled because it was none other than my Dimtri. I sighed contentedly.

"Good Morning love." I said.

"Good morning my soon- to- be wife."

I smiled then kissed him. His lips soft and fierce against mine. Never before him had lips felt so good against mine.

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you Roza."

"Come on lets go tell Lissa, Christian, and my parents!" I said while pulling him out of bed.

"Awe, but  I wanted to stay this way forever." Dimi whined.

"You honestly don't want to help me gloat to Lissa and Christian about us at least getting engaged before them?"

Dimitri sighed and said "Ah, Roza the things you make me do."

Shaking my head at the last comment, grabbed the phone to dial Lissa.

"Hello" Christian answered.

"Hello it's Inigo Montoya, you kill my father you prepare to die." I replied with my favorite quote from the 'Princess Bride'. Causing Christian to laugh.

"Hi Rose, what do you want?"

Normally from anyone else the rude comment would have pissed me off, but knowing Christian it was just him being himself.

"I was wondering if you and Liss wanted to join Dimitri and I for brunch."

"I'm assuming the correct answer is yes." Christian said.

Putting a fake charm in my voice I responded by saying "Honey, your such a dear! Now what do I owe for someone like you to bless me with his presence?"

"I take that as a yes. As for the favor, I have  few idea's in mind . . ."

In the background I could hear Lissa telling Christian that he needs to stop being a smartass and to tell me that they'll meet us (Dimi and I) at the bakery.

"Did you hear any of that?" Christian asked me.

"Yup, what time?"

"11:00? If that works."

"Oh yeah, that's great."

"Bye." said he.

"Good bye." I responded.

I looked at the time over our microwave, it said 9:45am, just enough time to shower and get ready. I turned to look at my fiance.

"We need to start getting ready now, we are leaving the condo at 10:45, to meet Lissa at 11:00. So lets get crackin!" I said that with a  swish of my arm, imitating a whip, and adding "woosh" with flare.

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