Chapter 20)

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Dimitri picked me up and carried me to the chariot awaiting us. I tossed my flowers to Lissa. Flower petals were flying, covering everyone, making the scene look happier.

Dimitri set me down on my seat, and walked around and soon joined me. We set off to our new home, a house nearby court.


Here. Dimitri opened my door for me, and scooped me up.

"You do know that I have two working feet, right?"

Dimitri smiled at that. "I know, its just I dont want to put you down cause I'm afraid this moment will end."

I kissed him, hard. Dimitri kissed me back just as hard. He carried me to the bed, and straddled me. I began unbuttoning his dress shirt, as he started undressing me.

"You are so beautiful Roza" Dimitri gasped, "Lets make beautiful babies"

I rolled him over and pinned him like I had done a couple of times toward the end of training. "What did you just say?"

"I want to start a family with you Roza"

"I don't know if I'm ready..."

"You deal with death everyday, but you are afriaid of putting life into the world? You will be an excellent mother. Ever since I met you I couldn't stop thinking about how I wanted to father your babies. Sydney, Sydney made my greatest dream possible."

"I don't know Dimitri."

"Come on! Lets do it! Lets live up to our badass reputations and do something that has never been done before! If anyone can do it, it will be you and I"

"Let me think about it. Talk about it to Lissa, see what she thinks... Though I think I know what she will say."

"Which is?"

"That I should go for it."

"Shouldn't you though?"

"You know what? What the hell, lets start our biggest adventure!"

"Are you serious my Roza?"

"Yes. In fact, I have never been more sure of anything!" Rose exclaimed. "I'll grab the laptop, and get Sydney on the line"

"Wow you really are serious! You never cease to surprise me Roza"

I grabbed the laptop and went on skype. "Oh look, she's online!" Dimitri sat right next to me. The feel of his warm skin against mine sent shivers of excitement through my body.

"Hey guys! How is your honeymoon going?" Sydney was the first to speak.

 "It's great! Especially since we have decided to take up your offer! Can you believe it, I'm gonna be a mom! Never in a million years would I have guessed..."

 "Really? That's great! I knew you guys would decide to do this eventually."

 "So what do we  need to do in order to have kids?"

"I will need to figure out a way to get away from my alchemist duties, perhaps Zmey could help with that?"

"I think that I could ask him for a favor for his lovely daughter"

"Alright it will take a few days to get the chemical ready for Dimitri."

"What will it do exactly?" asked Dimitri.

"I will inject it into your brachial artery. It will then spread throughout your body,  eventually reaching your prostate glands. It will then make it so that every sperm that is made afterwords will be like a moroi's."

"If it makes my semen moroi, will I stay dhampir?"

"This is really more of a trick on Rose's eggs, they will appear to be moroi, they will act like moroi semen, but they will truly be dhampir."

I glanced at Dimitri, he didn't look convinced. I grabbed his hand and sqeazed it, he squeazed it back, hard.

"I promise" Sydney assured him.


"I guess that's my clue to go and convince Abe to let you off the hook. I will skype you after I talk to him."

"Okay. Great, thank you Rose!"

"No. Thank you Sydney, you have made it possible for us to be a family" Dimitri responded to her.

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