Chapter 25)

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Dimitri paced around the room obviously anxious about the results. His restlessness reminds me of our love and our similarities. I am using all of my self control not to start pacing the room just like him.

"Who knew the day would come that you are the anxious, restless, and uneasy one and I am the cool, calm, and collected one, eh Comrade?" I smirked. In response I got a quick amused smile. "Well you did have the best mentor." I walked up to him and asked, "Is that so?"

He immeadiately pulled me closer and kissed me "yes." 

"If you're such a great mentor, then why don't you teach me something?" I seductively asked, putting my hands on my hips while jutting my lip out in the way I know makes him crazy.

He sighed, wrapped his arms around me and said, "Oh Roza you never seace to amaze me."

"So that means you will?"

He smirked and returned to pacing around the room. Damn. I only managed to distract him for a couple minutes... Unless "Hey Dimi?"

"Yes Roza?"

"Would you like to go to dinner with me? I mean it would be better than sitting here and agonizing over some test results that we won't know for a couple of hours."

Dimitri looked me strait in the eye and said he would love to. Warmth spread through my body as I kissed him. "I guess I had better get ready."


I wore my red dress that I liked to call my Jessica Rabbit dress seeing as how it has a low neckline that showed off my sexy cleavage and how it hugs my curves and has a high slit showing off my legs. I even  made my hair wavy like hers and put on the reddest lipstick ever. I was the living embodiement of Jessica Rabbit. 

Dimitri had been pacing the last half hour since he finished getting ready early. I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room. As soon as Dimitri saw me his jaw actually dropped, while his eyes were studying me with pure love.

I laughed, "Stop drooling you're getting your duster wet." He looked down and closed his mouth. 

All of the sudden I heard a knock on our door, which Dimitri immeadiately answered. I walked to his side and peered at the visitors. Lissa and Christian. It was odd because they were both as dressed up as Dimi and I.

Christian was wearing a black suit with little pops of blue that compliment his icy blue eyes. It looked like my dad dressed him. Lissa looks as beautiful and regal as ever in her sleeveless green dress. 

"Hi guys. Come on in." I greeted. 

Christian gave me a once over. "Well hel-lo Jessica Rabbit." He gave Dimitri a nod, "cowboy."

"I'm not bad I'm just drawn that way." I responded with my favorite line from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. 

Christian started to open his mouth but was silenced with a glare from Lissa. 

"We were wondering if you would like to join us for a double date dinner, but it seems that you already have plans." Lissa changed the subject. 

"Actually it was more of a spontaneous time filler, than anything. If it's okay with you Dimitri I would love to join you Liss." I answered the invite. 

Dimitri hugged me from behind enveloping me in the smell of his aftershave. "I would love to spend my evening with you two as well as my Roza."

"So... Where are we eating?" I asked. 

"We hadn't gotten as far as to choose a place, just the company." Lissa said.

"I think we should go to the Queen's choice of a resteraunt." I said.

Dimitri murmured his agreement.

"What? You guys are siding with her? Do You know how often my choice gets cast aside just because my girlfriend happens to be the most powerful moroi alive?"

"Wow you are sure acting like a little child. You aren't grateful of Lissa's Queenly status? Or just grateful of being able to be in her presense? I may have taken you to be immature and childish, but I never pegged you to be petty, especially not when it comes to Lissa." 

At that Christian pulled Lissa close and they began to share an intimate moment so I turned to Dimitri. 

"It will work, it has to." I whispered into his ear while nibbling on it. 

"I know Roza, I know. I'm just anxious that's all, even though its a little irrational."

"You're irrational? Hah, you wouldn't know irrational if it looked you in the eye. Honey you are talking to the queen of irrationally crazy. Besides, the way you are reacting isn't irrational, infact it is the natural way to be reacting. Now I'm not going to pretend to have a degree in psychology- which we both know I don't seeing as how I find it bor-ring- but, I do have an understanding of natural 'human' emotions, and it is perfectly normal for you to be uncertain about the uncertain. Humans don't like change and quite frankly neither do vampires. So you my dear are absolutely not irrational."

I noticed that Lissa and Christian were done with their moment. So I hooked my elbow with Dimitri's and said "Shall we?"

Lissa did the same to Christian while claiming my other arm in the process, "we shall."

We ended up going to a really swank resteraunt seeing as how Lissa can afford it with her generous Queenly pay, unlike Dimitri and I with our guardian pay which was just enough to live comfortably. Dinner was a great way to distract Dimitri and I however I noticed that he was deep in thought throughout the evening with this faraway look in his eyes. It was odd because Dimitri isn't usually spacey and saves his thinking for church and times at home, not when he is with people other than me of course.

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