Chapter 24)

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The rest of the day was spent with me and Dimi watching movies and playing board games. Then it was late so we went to sleep.

"Beep beep" 

Fuck, it's early. 

"Beep beep"

Shut up you stupid piece of shit. I pulled the plug out of the wall. Ugh. I rolled over and noticed that Dimitri was still asleep which surprised me. I guess I had better wake him up seeing as how that alarm was for the twenty-four hour mark.

I kissed him awake. "Mmm. Good morning." 

"It's time for your appointment." He smiled at that. "Mmkay."


Sydney checked his blood pressure, heart rate, and everything else docters check. "Now you get a sample of sperm in this cup." She handed him a plastic cup. 

I have never seen Dimiti blush in the time that I have known him, but he did right then and there when he realized what she meant. I nodded so he knew it was okay. Immeadiately he put on his guardian face and grabbed the cup and left the room.

Sometime later he returned. 

"I need to run some tests with this, then I will let you know the results as soon as I get them, which will be within a few hours."

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