Chapter 6)

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Dimitri and I walked into the court bakery, and I immediately spotted Lissa. Even without a bond I can see her through a sea of people. 

"Come on, there they are." I told Dimitri while pointing then waving. 

Dimitri sent me a heart- warming smile, which I loving returned. 

"You ready?" He whispered into my ear before we sat down. I nodded in response.

"Hi Lissa, how is it going?" I asked politely providing our friends with small talk.

"I'm good. And you?" she replied ever so polite

"Well, that's the reason we wanted to talk to you guys . . ." I said unable to finish as our waitress walked up. 

"What can I get for ya?" 

"We will split the check." I said motioning to Dimitri and myself. "I will have hot chocolate, and a chocolate donut. He will have black coffee, and a maple bar."

"I'll have green tea and a breakfast sandwich. What will you have Christian?" said Lissa.

"Just coffee." Christian answered.

The waitress finished writing our orders down and left.

"So, you were saying . . ." Lissa reminded me.

"Oh yes, Dimi do ya want to finish?"

"Okay. Well, after this baby hullabaloo I realized that we weren't even married! What was the sense in talking about children before we got married? We weren't even engaged. So while Rose was talking to you Lissa, I snuck away and bought a ring . . ." Dimitri finished.

"I said yes!" I added.

I swear Lissa was just about to scream out of joy for me, until Christian reminded her where we were, and that queen or not she probably shouldn't yell. 

"Oh My God! I cannot wait! Rose, we have to go dress shopping! This is amazing!" exclaimed Liss.

Christian was the next to reply "Wow, just what we need little Roses running around . . . You know the destruction they'd cause right? And Dimitri I gotta hand it to ya, it takes a man and a half to put up with that!" Christian looked at me with disgust during the last remark. Typical him.

Lissa hit him then scolded him for being so rude during a time of celebration. I smirked at him, recieving a tongue stuck out. 

"Well it seems Lissa that Christian is not going to change, besides I'd rather Rose take it out on him instead of me. And anyways, isn't this how he reacts to nearly everything good?" Dimitri saved his friend, like always. Goodness I love that man.

At that moment food arrived. We ate in silence after that, out of appreciation. Then, only too soon breakfast was over and we were leaving. 

"Lissa I must tell you this in advance, Dimitri and I are gong to Russia so we can get his family's approval of our marriage, not that they don't already love me . . ." I dutifully told my charge (the one I guard. Good thing she's my friend)

Dimitri cleared his throat causing everyone to look at him "same goes for me Christian, I hope you don't mind . . ."

Lissa smiled, turned to me "Thanks for being so up front and forward. Have fun in Russia." Then she turned to Dimitri "Don't worry he doesn't mind."

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