Chapter 32)

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Ring Ring          

Ring Ring

Ring Ring

I answered my phone, "Hel-"

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" Lissa screamed into my phone. I grabbed my tennis shoes and started runnning out the door. Lissa is in trouble. That is all I could think about. 

"Lissa. Speak to me. What is going on? Where are you?"

"I-I'm pregnant. I found out today."

"That is so amazing! Our kids will be nearly the same age! They will be best friends I'm sure of it. Where are you? We should celebrate!"

"You really think that our kids would be best friends? And I'm at home."

"Definitely. Okay, I will see you in a couple of minutes. Does Christian know?"

"No. I literally just found out..."

"Lissa! Why did you call me first? Don't you think that he should know he is going to be a father before I do?"

"Yeah, you're right. I found out and the first person that came to my mind to tell was you." She sounded kind of sad. 

"Oh Liss. Don't feel bad. I have been the first person you confide in since kindergarten. You have only known- truly known- Christian for a few years." 

"Yeah I guess so."

She still sounded upset. "How far along are you?" I asked her, changing the subject. 

"Two weeks. That was the last time we had sex." She said happily. 

I groaned. "I thought that since the bond was gone that I didn't have to know about your sex life anymore."

"Well? What do you expect?"

I sighed. "I don't know. Though I do know that you have to get married quick, before people start to talk."

This time it was her turn to groan. "You're right. People will gossip about the fact that their Queen is having children before marriage. Even though it happens all the time, the fact that I'm the Queen is the reason for gossip. Oh Rose what am I going to do?"

"What I said. Get married quickly. If you have your wedding in the very latest a month, then your baby will be written off as a premature birth."

"But how am I going to pull this off? It takes much longer to perpare a wedding than a month."

"So? You are Queen. Take charge and tell people that your wedding will be on such and such date. Tell them they need to prepare their part before then. And if not? It will make you very mad. I don't care who you are, you definitely want to get in good with the Queen. If that means rushing your specialty then that is what it means. You have more power than you realize Lissa."

"You really think that would work?"

"I know it will work."


"I am almost to your place. Talk to you in a few."

"Kay. Bye."

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